China Trolls U.S. Over Protests After Trump Criticized Hong Kong

  • oeb11
  • 06-01-2020, 07:50 AM

Bloomberg) -- Chinese officials and state media needled the Trump administration over race-related protests and looting that have engulfed U.S. cities in recent days, after weathering criticism and threats from Washington over Beijing’s own moves to quell unrest in Hong Kong. © Getty Images via Bloomberg Protesters face off with police outside the White House on May 30. China’s leaders recently moved to impose sweeping new national security legislation on the Asian financial hub following months of violent pro-democracy protests last year. The decision has alarmed foreign governments and prompted the U.S. to threaten retaliation, including Friday’s announcement that it would “begin the process” of eliminating the policy exemptions that allow America to treat Hong Kong differently than the mainland.

Yet as President Donald Trump expressed alarm about the “deeply troubling” situation in Hong Kong, he soon found himself facing similar scenes on the U.S.’s own streets. The U.S. is now struggling to contain widespread protests triggered by outrage over the death of George Floyd, an African-American man who died after a white police officer held him to the ground and pressed a knee into his neck for more than eight minutes.
Trump will meet on Monday with Attorney General William Barr at the White House, before convening a teleconference with governors, law enforcement and national security officials, the White House said late Sunday.
Over the weekend, China’s foreign ministry and state media seized the opportunity to fire back at Trump. Chinese propaganda outlets played up scenes from the U.S. of violence, burning buildings, harsh police responses and protesters decrying government as part of a broader narrative that western democracies are regularly plagued by chaos and unrest that would never be permitted in the mainland.
What Hong Kong Losing Its ‘Special Status’ Would Mean: QuickTake
Foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying retweeted U.S. State Department spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus -- who had urged people to stand against the Communist Party over its treatment of Hong Kong -- and added “I can’t breathe,” some of the last words uttered by Floyd before he died that have become a rallying cry.
Hua then tweeted a link to a video report on the U.S. violence with the words “THUGS & HEROES HYPOCRISY.” The tweet was a reference to double standards over the Hong Kong protesters, who received praise from U.S. lawmakers as China repeatedly condemned them for acts of vandalism, arson and throwing petrol bombs at police.
On Chinese mico-blogging platform Sina Weibo, video clips showing Minneapolis police shooting paint rounds at residents on their porch for violating a curfew went viral in the mainland after being posted by top state media outlets including the People’s Daily newspaper and the Global Times.
‘Double Standards’

By Monday morning, “U.S. National Guard firing into residents homes” was one of the top 10 search topics on the Twitter-like service, and the hashtag “U.S. riot” had a total of 1.36 billion views.
“U.S. politicians call riots in other countries ‘a beautiful sight,’ they ignite flames everywhere and wish the world to be in chaos,” state broadcaster CCTV said separately in a commentary Saturday. “But when the minority groups in their own country are fighting for legitimate rights, they cannot wait but to crackdown harshly. Such hypocritical double standards are truly disgusting.”
In a series of tweets, Hu Xijin, the editor of the Global Times, ridiculed Trump and other senior U.S. politicians for previously encouraging the protests in Hong Kong.
“I want to ask Speaker Pelosi and Secretary Pompeo: Should Beijing support protests in the US, like you glorified rioters in Hong Kong?” he asked in one message, addressing U.S. Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Secretary of State Michael Pompeo.
In another sarcastic tweet, he wrote “I highly suspect that Hong Kong rioters have infiltrated American states. Attacking police stations, smashing shops, blocking roads, breaking public facilities, these are all routine in their protests. Vicious HK rioters obviously are mastermind of violent protests across the U.S.”

China and Chairman Xi have a model for the US - and the DPST's love it - socialist rule under Chairman Xi!! They will inflict it on their cash cow Hong Kong - and se to inflict their venezuela socialist dream on the world.

Foolish DPST's are enablers of Chairman Xi and his world domination dream.
Maybe Trump should just Shut The Fuck Up and then at least couldn’t be trolled. I mean he is hiding in a bunker protected by his vicious dogs and unimaginable weapons. But what could we expect from the guy that calls himself a war time president.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
does USA have a double standard when it comes to riots? maybe.

china has triple standards.

china fucks 1. minorities, 2. majorities and 3. themselves.
LexusLover's Avatar
Speaking of "China" ....

Fry's Electronics is selling Hand Sanitizer .... made and bottled in China!

Maybe Trump should just Shut The Fuck Up and then at least couldn’t be trolled. I mean he is hiding in a bunker protected by his vicious dogs and unimaginable weapons. But what could we expect from the guy that calls himself a war time president. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Black people in the Estados Unidos have it far better than black people in China or anywhere else.

I guess that is why so many black people want to move here, to a country run by racists, than to move to some glorious and well run country in Africa, run by black people.
LexusLover's Avatar

I guess that is why so many black people want to move here, to a country run by racists, than to move to some glorious and well run country in Africa, run by black people. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Probably not very lucrative to try to steal a pair of Nikes from a thatched hut.
  • oeb11
  • 06-01-2020, 07:52 PM
Boycott China - the best, and effective way - to peacefully bring down chairman Xi!!!
maybe al sharpton would like to move to china and run for the position of "Dear Leader"!
Black people in the Estados Unidos have it far better than black people in China or anywhere else.

I guess that is why so many black people want to move here, to a country run by racists, than to move to some glorious and well run country in Africa, run by black people. Originally Posted by friendly fred
The fact that the shamefulness of your statement is lost on you really says it all.
LexusLover's Avatar
The fact that the shamefulness of your statement is lost on you really says it all. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
If you are a Black person, why are you staying here? Aren't there better options in the World for protecting your "rights" as a Black person?

And that "race card" falls on deaf ears with me! I say the same to anyone who comes to this country and bitches about it .... some even run for public office .... and bitch about it. Others just marry those who run for public office here and bitch about it. They don't do anything constructive about it. Just bitch!

I'm excluding those who burglarize, steal, burn, and shoot cops. Bitching is protected speech. In the U.S.A. The former shit are crimes.
The fact that the shamefulness of your statement is lost on you really says it all. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
The fact that anyone would agree with you points to why this country is turning into a shithole full of losers who blame other people for their own lack of effort which causes their failures.
Boycott China - the best, and effective way - to peacefully bring down chairman Xi!!!
maybe al sharpton would like to move to china and run for the position of "Dear Leader"! Originally Posted by oeb11
We should pay for him to move and run for that office!
If you are a Black person, why are you staying here? Aren't there better options in the World for protecting your "rights" as a Black person?

And that "race card" falls on deaf ears with me! I say the same to anyone who comes to this country and bitches about it .... some even run for public office .... and bitch about it. Others just marry those who run for public office here and bitch about it. They don't do anything constructive about it. Just bitch!

I'm excluding those who burglarize, steal, burn, and shoot cops. Bitching is protected speech. In the U.S.A. The former shit are crimes. Originally Posted by LexusLover
  • oeb11
  • 06-02-2020, 08:10 AM
+1 - the contrarian above is playing a "Race Card" and displaying a total absence of any personal responsibility for One's own life. and behavior.

"Pants Up- don't Loot!"

Poor abused 1blackman1 is welcome to move to China and see what racism against black people is really all about!

Boycott china!
  • Tiny
  • 06-02-2020, 05:34 PM
A question, say the U.S. federal government sends the military into a city uninvited to control rioting and looting. What's the difference between that and the Peoples Republic of China sending the PLA into Hong Kong to do something about people who are rioting, damaging property, and shutting down the city?

I'm not in favor of either, and thankfully neither has happened. Yet.
Gotyour6's Avatar
A third world county trolling a super power world

Kill some more female kids to make room for males.

Only thing good out of china are the young whores.
They can suck a cock and you can fuck their throat till they have tears in their eyes and they smile at the end. you know the smile. That "Please get me out of here" smile