I continue to be entertained by the Amazing Miss V

Miss V continues to entertain and amaze me with her vocabulary and hobby insight.


"One of the Last Days of SnuggleFuckery before the Summer Melts Gives You Batwing Balls"

Not sure what she is saying, but it sure made me chuckle. Who else has a classic Miss V quote they would like to share?

Miss V is an ATX intellectual treasure whom we are all lucky to enjoy.
EagleEye's Avatar
Good call out! I LMAO when I saw that subject line on the posting. Even sent her a PM telling her so. For those of us lucky and wise enough to have met Miss V, you can just imagine her speaking those lines with her rapier wit.
Good call out! I LMAO when I saw that subject line on the posting. Even sent her a PM telling her so. For those of us lucky and wise enough to have met Miss V, you can just imagine her speaking those lines with her rapier wit. Originally Posted by EagleEye
Makes me want to turn up my hearing aid so I don't miss a single pearl of wisdom falling from her lips.
RICKDOG8's Avatar
I've PM'd her directly on a couple of occasions to tell her how hilarious some of her comments and postings are. Thumbs up Miss V!
Thanks for the props guys, but where are the famous/infamous Miss V quotes you would like to share???

There is a vast library available on eccie, all it will take is a little work and research on the part of a few hobbyists here to find and list them.

Whoops, now I understand. Work and research don't coincide with hobbyists looking for the next hot lady. Nevermind.
RICKDOG8's Avatar
Ok, Ok! Sorry BB...this is my latest favorite in response to that whiney tard sunspots in coed titled "Austin Focus"...

Gee I dunno. Three threads and multiple whiney posts on the same subject.

Maybe no one wants to see you because you're the most twat desiccating sad little fart cloud on Eccie at the moment.

Great stuff Miss V!
Victoria Columbari's Avatar
I love it when she posts. There are so many good quotes I don't think I could pick a fav.
A few favorites of mine..

I don't know about my New Year's resolutions...

But I sure wish the Eccie Co-Ed Vigilantes aka Khaki Docker Wearing Kroger Dads flexing their rapidly atrophying dad bod muscles and hiding behind their Macs would at least resolve to wipe the Chee-Tos dust off their hands before they pinball each other's peen juice via keyboard.

It would be a New Year's Miracle!!! Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
Kendal Clarkson's PUSSY POWER so bright, so shiny, so fleek, so on point that all it took was her pretty elegant finger responding via a phone keyboard to have this tosser frothing in his Fruit of the Looms in three counties.
Shine on Kendal you crazy diamond!!! Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
Hey! Does anyone have a single action hand pump yogurt howitzer they can loan me for an hour??? Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
Can we launch a petition where we have a Nicaraguan Death Squad come in and duct tape Rick99tx's typing hands up until they are just two big silver useless blobs so we can be spared these intellectually bereft posts of flaming dog shit?

Because that would be awesome. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
Sweet Sexy Space Jesus please swoop in and clean up this diabolical fuckery with your Secret Savior Sauce. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
A few favorites of mine.. Originally Posted by Blue_eyed_shy_guy
Now, That's what I was hoping to see.

Here's a few more for your enjoyment..

When Eccie Has Turned into A Miasmic Fifedom of Warring Half Sentient Blithering Biomasses..Escape the Hell with Miss V!!! Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
Roses are Red, It's Hot as Hades, Bring Me a Cocktail, I'll Have your Throat Babies Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
You're quite correct RR! This Cemetery Squish Mitten belongs to The Dark Lord, The Cryptkeeper, and Eddie the Head as you are well familiar all who anoint my pendulous breastages with their demon seed. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
Thank you Mr. Wind for crowding up threads with your spasming rectum of spew.

You have been anointed by the Order of the Golden Queef as being the Driest Dick in All The Realm.

As such you have an exclusive invitation to nosedive into a bucket of wasp dicks. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
..and last but not least, the entire post in this link:

OK, one more:

Sometimes having a discourse with RR is akin to being sodomized by 20 lava-dicked demons. (Don't ask me how I know)

Hey. What's your favorite Slayer album? Mine is Seasons in the Abyss! Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
squiretuck's Avatar
Ditto to that! If I only had money, brains, looks, and lived in South ATX, she just might consider seeing me!

Bless the women who like Miss V are smart, witty, gorgeous, and extremely talented in the BCD department!

Miss V continues to entertain and amaze me with her vocabulary and hobby insight.


"One of the Last Days of SnuggleFuckery before the Summer Melts Gives You Batwing Balls"

Not sure what she is saying, but it sure made me chuckle. Who else has a classic Miss V quote they would like to share?

Miss V is an ATX intellectual treasure whom we are all lucky to enjoy. Originally Posted by BugleBoy
Miss Valentina's Avatar
Sweet Sexy Jesus with a Jerk Sock, thanks guys!

This is sure highfalutin' honor for a lady who's profession it is taking gnarled old man fingers to the jelly hole and leaves my hair and face smelling like the Secret Menu of Long John Silver's Aire du Nutsac Secretions.