Favorite handles/aliases on the site?

Thought this would be a fun topic, I just saw a clever handle "incocknito" and had a chuckle. Some of my other favorites include: glad_he_ate_her, haywood_jablowme, Freudian Slit, Cockalatte and I B Hankering.

What are your favorites/funniest?
Intalabia, and Preapist.
I seem to find "why you no do" to be a rather amusing handle
I seem to find "why you no do" to be a rather amusing handle Originally Posted by snaggletooth77

Ha! That is a funny one. There should be one "are_you_avail_bb".
Tan Khan's Avatar
When I read "alias" I thought the tread was about multiple handles. You know like Jade Rose = galaxon00
When I read "alias" I thought the tread was about multiple handles. You know like Jade Rose = galaxon00 Originally Posted by Tan Khan
RandB fan's Avatar
When I read "alias" I thought the tread was about multiple handles. You know like Jade Rose = galaxon00 Originally Posted by Tan Khan
She would rather have you focus on someone elses play on words when making up handles than her own.

Don"t forget her other handle who she made up, that and one of her other mandle's wrote reviews about who just happens to be a much more popular 280lb supersized (that would be more than overweight , that would be considered morbidly obese) porn star that you have never heard. Just like you have never heard of JR before she showed up here.


I wonder if she knows about the review(s) about her done on her by JR's mandle? who in a matter of 3 days wrote one onJR herself.

But I do like where you were gong with this as funny handle names is kinda a lame topic to have a discussion about. Jades mandles, bandles, fraudulent activity her on the Austin boards would be much more interesting subject to discuss and certainly funnier.

fat hookers.JPG

Don't forget her "facial" shots that will have you reaching for a b%*f bag faster than you can stick two fingers down your throat.

I personally like my handle.
hugewang512's Avatar
<<<<<< This guy Name lol
If you have every had a session with MS Pussy Galore, you will know her handle is perfect for her.

I also thought the "Christina Cutie" handle was perfect for MS #Amorina# before she decided to have a name at the top of the alphabet.