EA Madden Football prediction

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

EA's football simulator predicts a Saints win, 35 - 31 over the Colts.

5 of 6 superbowl games were correct. -- not too shabby. we'll see how this prediction holds up.
clitlicker's Avatar
It is our destiny. We will not be denied!
laoilman's Avatar
Well I'm glad someone is giving us a chance. Seems about %90 of the coverage on NFL network and ESPN is about how the Colts are the dominate team. Don't think any of them give us much of a chance. I can't wait to watch after we kick their asses Sunday.
juan2fork's Avatar
Well I'm glad someone is giving us a chance. Seems about %90 of the coverage on NFL network and ESPN is about how the Colts are the dominate team. Don't think any of them give us much of a chance. I can't wait to watch after we kick their asses Sunday. Originally Posted by laoilman
Ask the Patriots how being heavily favored worked out 2 years ago.