Two white men, two black men, two Indians (one woman) walk into a bar

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
and all say they want to be the GOP nominee for president. Across the street an old white guy nurses his ice cream cone. (We've been told that there are no other choices for the democrats.)

So, who is diverse with actual talented, competent people and which is the party of white people?

(I would say west Asian but it has a better rhythm to say Indian. Though both, unlike Obama, were born in this country.)

Just had to toss that in for fun.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I'll say this about that: I have an aging set of parents that reside in Assisted Living in a Continuing Care Facility. We bring them a dozen dixie cups of ice cream pretty much each week. It's one of the few things they will dependably eat. We anticipate one of them to move in to memory care and the other to likely move into skilled nursing this year.We have a close family member that lives nearby and they try to visit them 4 times a week or more. But I never ever considered that the White House of the USA would become a Continuing Care Facility.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
That personal moment aside... You hit upon something I saw when they first trotted out Biden as the nominee. Guess it applies 2X this round. For all the woke-azzed shit the Demonirats have become, with all their Up is Down, Wrong is Right, Men are Women, all the DEI bullshit, Global warming, Green New Deal (socialism), terrorist based (BLM Antifa), and new-agey-touchy-feely crap - They put up a really old, white guy, that has been a career politician for over 50 years (who has been typically wrong on about everything), who allegedly won with the highest vote numbers of all frick'n time and they claim to want to do it again.

Back to my personal moment for a second. The parents first moved into Independent Living in the continuing care facility in 2019. Since that time, they have progressed farther down the path and pretty much every aspect of their life is managed, aka controlled, entirely by other people. A combination of a vast array of skills, capabilities, response times, third parties and family.

So who the hell has been running the joint if Doddering Biden can not possible be? Really think about that, given all of the myriad of strange events of the past few years. Think hard and then decide if you want to go on that ride again.
Ripmany's Avatar
A bar not the election commission.
What's the difference between a Caucus and a Cactus? A Caucus has all the pricks on the inside, lol.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
A bar not the election commission. Originally Posted by Ripmany
Election commission only serves Bud Light.