Have you ever?

I was at my parents house this weekend and Mind you my peeps are well enough that they don't have to be cheap. Anyhow,I was cooking for my peeps, So my pops was like you need to go get foil and he had some but didn't want me to use it. I find this funny being that I am used to my parents theories.
But, I do relate.
There are some things that I buy that I do not like to share and wouldn't.
So my question to you guys is what Items do you buy generic to share so you can keep the original?
Is there things that you do not like to share?
This may sound crazy buy thats my family.I just laugh, my peeps
Whiskey. Only real special people get thw good stuff.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Lol hmmm water is a thing that comes to mind.
I'll get Evian or Fiji for myself (and dates) and give Deer Park or Great Value waters to the "general population".
I can relate with the aluminum foil too ... Reynolds is for me and everyone else can use the Kirkland signature (Costco).