The HuffPuff as a good question...for once!!

Bitten and Bullosey asleep at the wheel as we go over a cliff...say it ain't so!! 12k people died under Bitten H1N1 watch so this senile fucker doesn't have the best track record. Is this FAKE NEW you left wing demagogues??

Maybe Bitten will challenge the virus to an arm wrestling contest or just outright going outside and kick it's ass...that is what dementia will do to some people.

HuffPo Reporter Asks How Biden and Pelosi Screwed Up Coronavirus Response So Badly

Posted at 9:30 pm on March 21, 2020 by Elizabeth Vaughn

^^^^Senile Joe is ALWAYS READY TO FIGHT^^^
Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden speaks at a primary election night campaign rally Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Chris Carlson)

The Huffington Post’s Zack Carter is very unhappy with President Trump’s management of the Coronavirus crisis. He rattles off the usual laundry list of Democratic talking points from ‘Trump called it a hoax’ to ‘he saw it coming and did nothing to prepare.’ Therefore, we now face an even worse crisis. This, he claims, “is the result of political malpractice, not merely biological bad luck.”

We expect to hear that from a far-left media outlet, especially eight months away from a presidential election.
The surprise was to read Carter’s take on Democratic Party leaders including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and presumptive presidential nominee Joe Biden. “Trump,” he writes, “does not have a monopoly on political malpractice. The Democratic response to the coronavirus has been a political disaster.”
He believes Democratic lawmakers have been too loyal “to a leadership that is increasingly obviously unfit for the emergency at hand.” I agree with that. Democrats recently allowed Pelosi and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) to lead them over a cliff.

He complains that their silence has “allowed a handful of arch-conservative Republicans to take public credit for advancing the popular, progressive idea of just sending every household a large check for the duration of the crisis. Pelosi explicitly rejected that very idea in early talks among House Democrats, overruling pleas from Democratic economists. With Democratic leaders thinking small, a majority of the public now actually approves of Trump’s catastrophic pandemic management, according to a new poll.” Carter continues:
And where is Biden? What, exactly, would Pelosi want to see happen?
What does the Democratic Party even stand for?
Democratic leaders pride themselves on getting things done. They extoll compromise as the highest of all political virtues and boast about reaching across the aisle ? even when the party across the aisle is run by wannabe authoritarians.
An endless parade of centrists vied for the 2020 Democratic nomination not by talking about ideas, but by talking about competence, leadership and other intangibles while warning that candidates that did talk about ideas were too dangerous and scary.
One of those centrists, Biden, has now all but sewn up the nomination — and made himself all but invisible as the worst economic and public health crisis in generations has blossomed.
Carter supports the “practical” plans from Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Mitt Romney (R-UT) of sending “every household thousands of dollars a month in straight cash,” but laments those plans haven’t gained much traction. And he’s unhappy the Democrats have largely turned the decision making over to Republicans.
The coronavirus pandemic should have sounded the death knell for Trumpism as a political project. Democrats have instead given it new life. Which would be fine, if Trump could govern. But the man who called this a hoax is unfit for office and cannot be trusted with power in a crisis. It’s a shame Pelosi and Biden can’t be, either.
If Carter could let go of the Democratic Party talking points, he might be able to understand all that President Trump has actually done to lead the nation through this.
But, his main problem and the point of his article is his disappointment with the Democrats. What did he really expect from them? They only know how to attack, they don’t know how to solve problems.
A pandemic? Let’s just send money to families.
Joe Biden attacks President Trump’s efforts and puts up a plan of his own. Then he posts…President Trump’s plan.
Long before his mental decline, Joe Biden was useless.
The Democrats have been praying for a recession for years, and finally, one has materialized. Yet here they are, foiled again. Because President Trump has taken charge and people have noticed. Four new polls last week showed that the majority of Americans approve of his handling of the crisis.
Zack, why don’t you just admit it? Biden and Pelosi didn’t screw up their response to the pandemic. They had no response. They failed to act. They’ve been happy to blame Trump for the crisis and criticize the steps his administration has taken. But they’ve made no attempts to address the problem. They’ve proven once again that Democrats have nothing to offer the American people.
I'm sure their brokers didn't fail to act.
LexusLover's Avatar
[B]Biden and Pelosi didn’t screw up their response to the pandemic. They had no response. They failed to act. They’ve been happy to blame Trump for the crisis and criticize the steps his administration has taken. But they’ve made no attempts to address the problem. They’ve proven once again that Democrats have nothing to offer the American people. Originally Posted by bb1961
Remember? "Impeached Presidents can't do anything!"
HoeHummer's Avatar

Give your balls a tug, beebsy!

Falsely quoting fake news? Fucking Commie bot!

Nothing yous ever post supports the lunatics ravings you preface your one-Star threads with.

Have yous been tested for COVID-19?

How about Her Peas?

How about you’re full of shits!
Give your balls a tug, beebsy!

That article doesn’t say what yous claims it says.

In fact, nothing yous ever post supports the lunatics ravings you preface your one-Star threads with.

Have yous been tested for COVID-19?

How about Her Peas? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Unhinged a little...ASSWIPE you fucking phony.
HoeHummer's Avatar
You’re a fucking phony buttbuggerer1961.

I am not ASSWIPE or any of the other colourful yet juvenile names you sling ad me and others posters on this board.

Angry, presumably white, obviously uneducated loser who can’t even get laid when he pays for it.

Reconcile that, you ignorant redneck.

Yous are spare parts, you fucking loser.

. “Trump,” he writes, “does not have a monopoly on political malpractice. The Democratic response to the coronavirus has been a political disaster.”
the dims fell back to their usual practice of trying to use any event, big or small, to further left wing ideology including abortion funding - the old don't let a crisis go to waste mentality

a majority of the public now actually approves of Trump’s catastrophic pandemic management, according to a new poll.”
well the news media is trying their darndest to paint trump and his administration as failures,
trump is foiling that strategy with action, so they pick on anything they can. they have run through a litany of falsehood attacks one after the other and as one fails they turn to something else

Originally Posted by bb1961
submit please
You’re a fucking phony buttbuggerer1961.

I am not ASSWIPE or any of the other colourful yet juvenile names you sling ad me and others posters on this board.

Angry, presumably white, obviously uneducated loser who can’t even get laid when he pays for it.

Reconcile that, you ignorant redneck.

Yous are spare parts, you fucking loser.

Originally Posted by HoeHummer
^^^^^^^^^^Unhinged a little^^^^^^^^
I don't even need to leave the comfort of my home to...RATTLE YOUS CAGE!!
You fucking phony ASSWIPE.