Anastasia NC/NS

Setup appointment via P411 with Anastasia and she NC/NS. Then she PM'd me one hour after scheduled appointment asking when I wanted to see her not even realizing I was the person she just NC/NS.
When I called her out, she came up with lame excuse that "he wouldn't give me your address because he thought I wasn't paying him for all appointments." Apparently, she has a pimp and tried to blame it on him. He should get used to being cut out of the loop as this is Anastacia's M.O. as she did it to Mindy in the past.

So apparently, sometimes you are speaking to Anastasia, sometimes you are talking to her pimp. They both use the same P411 account. Very dysfunctional for someone who wants $450/hour and my first bad experience with a P411 provider.

She even gave me her private number and and asked me to reschedule but did not respond when I tried. If you want her private number, please PM me. Might be better to contact her direct and cut her pimp completely out of the loop from the very beginning.

This girl has no class, is a huge flake, and is a waste of time. Classier ladies in this town that provide better service for a lot less. I think somebody described her as a train wreck on this site and I would have to agree.
it is way overdue that someone commented on her! She flaked on me like that last Friday and I have had her before....she is really flaky now and her other habits don't help
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