Free photoshoot

Hey, have my camera and some free time this evening. Let me state that I do not shoot professionally, but it is a hobby of mine. I shoot on a nice Nikon dslr. Also, this is not a barter I.e. I'm not looking for services in return. If you're interested just drop me a pm and let me know what part of town you're in and available time. Add a number if you want a quicker response.
To answer some questions received through pm.

No, I don't do this professionally (as a living) but I have been shooting as a hobby for years. Additionally, I use a professional grade camera. Trust me, browse the profiles, you can tell the difference between a dslr and a point and shoot.

I cant do late night.

Again, no. I am not looking to barter. I said and meant free. The only thing I ask is don't try and keep me for three hours trying on every outfit in your closet.
Pistolero's Avatar
The only thing I ask is don't try and keep me for three hours trying on every outfit in your closet. Originally Posted by IamRobot
Just take nekkid pics and this problem is solved.
dearhunter's Avatar
I may just have to take you up on that.........can you make me look skinny?
CivilBarrister's Avatar
too fat. ijs
LexusLover's Avatar
too fat. ijs Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
Wide angle lens ... or a step up to a fish eye lens.
RGB93's Avatar
  • RGB93
  • 02-15-2013, 05:42 PM
Jimmy C must be back
I have a professional grade camera too. Let me take pics of you naked too.

For artistic purposes, of course.

But seriously, pro camera. Ijs