cops target boards

Victoria Columbari's Avatar
Treetop78759's Avatar
That's awesome. We should all be very excited that so many ladies that were being trafficked and forced to be a sex slaves were rescued.
Cops are on all the boards. They are mainly looking for Human Trafficking. Cops are also some of the best customers of some of the ladies. Think about it. Most Cops are ex-Military. and all Military fuk Providers.
chitowntransplant69's Avatar
That's awesome. We should all be very excited that so many ladies that were being trafficked and forced to be a sex slaves were rescued. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
Or not:

Yet Durnal questions the police’s claim that they “rescued” the Korean women in the brothels. “They said that, ‘People were holding them captive.’ This came out of law enforcement's mouth,” he said. “And who did they save? Every girl they let go? Every girl's back in the business. They just go someplace else.”
Little Monster's Avatar
I'm a sex slave
Mr Peabody's Avatar
While many here support your effort to discourage trafficking, it is logical to ask you "what happens if they are 'rescued'".
Do they become homeless here in a foreign land? Do they go back to being an escort in a 3rd world country?
Please explain the rest of your plan.
I really am curious.
Raikage's Avatar
I think its a good thing so long as they focus on the rapists and the thieves and the human traffickers.
Treetop78759's Avatar
While many here support your effort to discourage trafficking, it is logical to ask you "what happens if they are 'rescued'".
Do they become homeless here in a foreign land? Do they go back to being an escort in a 3rd world country?
Please explain the rest of your plan.
I really am curious. Originally Posted by Mr Peabody
That's a great question.

Most get asylum for 2 years, legal help, mental health counseling, therapy, medical, dental housing and time so that case workers can put together a plan.

LE brings in a special group to handle that.

Our country is very compassionate. Especially to non citizens and refugees from other countries.
cinderbella's Avatar
Anytime I see a cop in uniform, I thank him for his service.

I even got a hug from a cop once when I did that. He was
glad to hear it.

I have known some amazing male and female cops, in civilian
life and in the hobby.

I get a lot of crap when I post sticking up for them, but
I still respect and admire them for the job they do.

It is not an easy job at all. Sure there are horrible cops, but there are horrible nurses, doctors and government officials too.

I see them out in full uniform on sweltering hot days, standing out in the full sun because they have to block a road where a fatal accident took place. I see them in full uniform outside during a downpour of heavy rain, trying to move a car that is stuck in an intersection blocking traffic. I can't imagine some of the things they get called to investigate, that I fortunately do not see.
Treetop78759's Avatar
Sure there are horrible cops, but there are horrible nurses, doctors and government officials too. Originally Posted by cinderbella
You forgot to include prostitutes.
cinderbella's Avatar
Prostitution is illegal. It is an occupation that does not tend to attract upstanding citizens.

Having sex with multiple people goes against everything a woman is brought up not to do. She soon finds out that men are like bees, and they treat her like a beehive. Got something someone wants, human nature is to utilize it for cash.

Google "Pompeii Graffiti". Prostitution and promiscuous sex are as old as money. Guys have always bragged about how big their cocks are and complained about women they can't fuck. People have always insulted each other by message and had their minds in the gutter, so to speak.

As long as there has been the law, there have been spies.
Prostitution is illegal. It is an occupation that does not tend to attract upstanding citizens.

. Originally Posted by cinderbella

I disagree 100%!! Its our Puritanical Country. The USA is one of the few Western Countries that makes it illegal. Now its is NOT a Federal Crime only a State and or County. It becomes Federal when Trafficking is involved.

I had some Culture shock on my fist visit to Amsterdam in 2004. I was walking to the Red Light District and just 3 doors down I was getting busy from a Daycare. The Europeans are so far ahead of the US in terms of this.
Little Monster's Avatar

Our country is very compassionate. Especially to non citizens and refugees from other countries. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
Not anymore, thanks to Asshole
I'm a sex slave Originally Posted by Little Monster
You wish! But as you know- your wish is my command

Victoria Columbari's Avatar
do you all think ECCIE or P411 would ever be targeted? or do you think we are safe?