Flat rate - a question

Guest062512's Avatar
I've noticed in ads the term "flat rate" as in

flat rate of $100.

What does this mean? 100 an hour? 100 a half hour? 100 til I pop? 100 for as long as I want to hang out there?

Sorry, It's probably a silly question but I'm relatively new at this (6 mos in the hobby).
TexRich's Avatar
you should call, but I know one thing......its not the ladder.

I prefer "all inclusive" more than "flat rate", seems a bit more classy.
Slow&Easy's Avatar
as TR pointed out, it seems to me that the higher tier ladies use a term like "all inclusive".

The lower tier ladies tend to use "flat rate" as "until you pop", I think. In other words, they are going to see how fast they can get you off, and then you are done, time's up, move along, nothing more to see here, NEXT!
I'll pretty much go with the guys who already responded. I take "flat rate" to mean that this is the rate I charge, with no upselling, for the hour (or half hour), for the services listed or implied in the ad. Some of these ladies have a sliding scale based on various services such as L1, L2, L3, L3+G, etc., and they attach various rates. If it's outcall, I understand it to mean no trip charge, driver fee, etc., etc.

Jade is one who often includes this wording in her ads such as this one:


It's probably overkill and redundant but no big deal. Just underscores she has a single rate and it covers all the usual stuff.

As to Slow&Easy's note about "until you pop," I've generally seen wording of "UP TO an hour" being the code phrase for that action. If I see "UP TO" in an ad, I move on.

Gotta admit, CPI, that rate is definitely flat.

Flat rate isn't always about "class". While "all inclusive" sounds better, some girls don't offer L3+ and don't want to convey the idea that they do. In that case, "flat rate" would mean "rub and tug" or "L1, L2," without blatantly saying so. I am definitely not a "lower tier" provider and have used the term, though I don't always. I know other providers who use the term and would take exception to being referred to as "lower tier". One hour is the standard session length for most types of sessions so my guess is yes, it means one hour.

My advise, call the provider in question, read her reviews, get BCD and talk to the more experienced members. Every phrase can mean slightly different things to different people and can still be correct. Happy hobbying!
Bestman200600's Avatar
If your only paying a provider $100, then you can expect a quickie and out the door. GFE starts at $150 and up usually.
Guest062512's Avatar
Naw... I just pulled the 100 number out of my hat.

I was actually looking at the bodyrub ads when I asked the question.

I didn't know if it meant "anything you can cram into an hour" or "whatever it takes to get to one pop". In other words, does it mean an "hourly flat rate" or a "service-based" flat rate.

I think the wonderful Dharma clued me in pretty well.

If your only paying a provider $100, then you can expect a quickie and out the door. GFE starts at $150 and up usually. Originally Posted by Bestman200600
Not necessarily. I am GFE and my hourly rate is $145. (Yes yes, I know its only a 5 dollar difference). I still offer GFE for half hour appointments as well.
My two cents: If someone just has "flat rate" without any qualifications(i.e. up to 1,2 or 3hours, no limitations etc), I wouldn't see that provider and i wouldn't ask questions for obvious reasons.

I do think all inclusive sounds better and even with that it needs to be qualified by amount of time etc..

Apparantly, from rate alone you cannot really discern quality/class vs something less. So, I'd be sure to check reviews, her post etc...

Or for $ really what is the worst case scenario right? Good luck with that...

CPI the flat rate comment is funny-i think women of all shapes and sizes are beautiful. Just not at all attracted to ones that look so freakin young.......that picture weirds me out ukkkkkk