Mr. Musk, the UN, and Trump

VitaMan's Avatar
Mr. Musk is saving the Ukraine internet by providing Starlink. Russians hack, Mr. Musk provides. He is becoming the Superman of the 21st century.

Vassily Nebenzia, Russia's ambassador to the U.N., said the United States, which supported the resolution, was "where the legitimately elected president of the country was overthrown." See where it gets you when you continue printing out fake news of election fraud ? Others are listening.

Mr. Trump says Putin is a genius. He had more than 16 meetings with Putin, and tore up the meeting notes.

U.N. members voted 141 to 5 to condemn Russian President Vladimir Putin’s “special military operation” in Ukraine and affirm that no territorial gains stemming from the use of force—or threatened use of force—will be recognized as legal there. 34 countries including China and India abstained.

At least some care about Ukraine. But not the member who doesn't give a fuck about Ukraine. Because he said so.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Mr. Musk is saving the Ukraine internet by providing Starlink. Russians hack, Mr. Musk provides. He is becoming the Superman of the 21st century.

Vassily Nebenzia, Russia's ambassador to the U.N., said the United States, which supported the resolution, was "where the legitimately elected president of the country was overthrown." See where it gets you when you continue printing out fake news of election fraud ? Others are listening.

Mr. Trump says Putin is a genius. He had more than 16 meetings with Putin, and tore up the meeting notes.

U.N. members voted 141 to 5 to condemn Russian President Vladimir Putin’s “special military operation” in Ukraine and affirm that no territorial gains stemming from the use of force—or threatened use of force—will be recognized as legal there. 34 countries including China and India abstained.

At least some care about Ukraine. But not the member who doesn't give a fuck about Ukraine. Because he said so. Originally Posted by VitaMan

the U.N. is a spineless toothless worthless entity. unless you think the U.N.'s resolutions should hold sway over the laws of individual nations. ...

no i don't care about Ukraine. give me one good reason why i should. are you Ukrainian? i'm not. i'm a Kraut-Mic.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
No leader in my lifetime had the balls to call out European leaders to their faces over their reliance of Russian energy like Trump did. No diplomatic bullshit and political doublespeak, just a plain spoken dress-down. The looks on their faces was priceless, totally surprised by an American leader who actually cares about and sticks up for their country. Half these people here, and many other places, still believe that Trump somehow stood up for Russia when it’s clear as day he’d destroy their only legitimate industry at the drop of a hat, and was actively attempting to do just that.
... Once again, one-way Vita repeats Trump saying
Putin is a genius - but then won't mention Trump's
other comments about Putin at the same time.

... Wasn't Vita repeating the LIE about Trump in Charlottesville?
The "good people on both sides" comment? ... Maybe we should
take a look back....

Hmmm.... Wasn't Biden a fighter pilot? ... And a train engineer??

Just askin' ...

### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
Don't forget the FBI led assault on the US Capitol
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Don't forget the FBI led assault on the US Capitol Originally Posted by VitaMan

of course they didn't! they sent their operatives like Ray Epps to do that so they had "plausible deniability". why won't they release all that video they have?

we know why.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Don't forget the FBI led assault on the US Capitol Originally Posted by VitaMan

What does that have to do with Elon Musk? Try and stay on topic like you are always harping that the rest of us do. Sometimes we comment on something said to us that takes us off topic. It just seems to "excite you" more than others.