Cancer update

daddyzlilgirlalwayz's Avatar
So we found out in April that I had a 4cm mass in my left breast. May it was 7cm. In June I was diagnosed stage 4, and its spread to both lymph nodes. I recently started chemo. June 24th I go for round 2. I got tired of my hair falling out so we cut it off. Chemo was treacherous for the first 7 days. It sucks that I won't be able to come up to the city for a few weeks, and being unemployed due to treatment doesn't pay my bills. But once I kick this cancer shit I will return to Kc! Meanwhile I'm down at Lake of ozarks, enjoying the sun and lake on the good days I have!! Everyone stays in touch!! I'll keep everyone updated as I go. Xoxo Jay jay
Awww as lovely as ever.
Hair or no hair!
Trust me I deal with that daily lol
Stay strong babe
  • JFK66
  • 06-21-2022, 07:16 PM
Kick that cancer’s ass, my dear! As BD says, stay strong. Thanks for posting such personal info. We’re rooting for a quick victory!
Sweet girl, my heart goes out to you. I understand that this can be a very trying time and look at that gorgeous smile. My mom is going through the same thing. Prayers to you and you got this. You are such a strong woman! Message me if you need anything at all!
Got a cousin that was diagnosed about 11 years ago.
She's still going strong.
Keep tha faith, baby !
Good luck doll. I've never had the pleasure, but we'll have to rectify that once you've knocked that shit out. T&P with you..
Kick it's ass, u will come back stronger than ever
Prayers to you as you fight cancer! We all miss you here in KC❤️!
Keep fighting !
daddyzlilgirlalwayz's Avatar
Thank you all from the bottom of my heart!!
@rlo726's Avatar
My thoughts are with you sugar. Come back 100%.
vegasbaby7's Avatar
Gorgeous picture! You don't need hair to be beautiful :-)
Sorry to hear about your diagnosis :-(
Praying that you beat this! When you do & you're up to it, I'll drive the 5.5hrs to KC to give you a big hug! Looking forward to making that trip! Odds may be against you but you're going to beat the odds!
Savannah Moon's Avatar
You are an amazing, beautiful, passionate, & stong young woman.
You will be in my players!!

This life tends to select certain people to consistently throw unbelievable amounts of difficulty ( to say the least)
And thise are the worlds warriors, Wisemen & women and those are the ones who will make & do make a huge impact in others lives.
That's kind of what I have learned thus far.

Stay strong sweet angel.
Kick cancer in the nuts. Wish you the best
dumars's Avatar
You and I have never met or written, but if there is ANYTHING you need that I can accomplish I will do my upmost to slay that dragon.

I am VERY sure I stand at the end of the long line of others who will do the same!!

P.S. You may very well get mail or text advising you to avoid me! Total crock but believe as you will!!!