Just wanted to say 'Thanks!'

I'm already back in east Texas after an absolutely wonderful first tour in Midland. You guys are great! I had a couple of cancellations due to illness and i hope you both are feeling better. I learned a very valuable and expensive lesson... Book my room ahead of time, and fly next time! I will plan another trip this fall and i promise to be in a better hotel... Those who saw me know the story... Those who don't, do not expect to just breeze into Midland or Odessa and have a choice of quality places to stay. Every hotel was booked solid.

Thanks again & I will see ya again in a few months!

Sydney Pure's Avatar
Those who don't, do not expect to just breeze into Midland or Odessa and have a choice of quality places to stay. Every hotel was booked solid.

Yep Vivian is right You'll be driving around for hours trying to find something don't worry sweetie I had the same thing happen to me and then got stuck at kiddie playland!!!!OMG!!! Me and Kids at 8 in the morning DON"T get along very well!!
Tex9401's Avatar
First, don't wait at the minute. Try to book 6 to 8 weeks ahead. If you coming on college weekend in the fall and winter book ahead, otherwise you have to pay twice the rate for the room.
Second, get those reward cards, and save up those points. You can get free nights or extra points during certain promotions.
Third, 6 to 8 weeks ahead, call call 2 to 3 hotels and ask what events are happening that may cause them to have no rooms.
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
Due to the employment situation, some workers are having to stay in motels and hotels. Also, many business people and others come in for work and leave back out. All our hotels and motels stay booked all the time.

Vivian, glad you came. Wish I could have seen you.