Blue life Republican will take you guns not black life demcrovract.

Ripmany's Avatar
Republican will use the cops to take you guns if there no police with guns how will there take you gun? All my gun packing bfrienfs vote Republican because there think it save there right.
... No, they won't.

#### Salty
matchingmole's Avatar
Cum guzzling lying sack o' shit Blue life Republicans............screw them
  • Tiny
  • 06-04-2023, 09:31 PM
Cum guzzling lying sack o' shit Blue life Republicans............screw them Originally Posted by matchingmole
That's ridiculous. Log Cabin Republicans are an endangered species.
... "Log Cabin" Republicans??

... Blimey! ... Reckon I was at a pancake breakfast with them
back in February...

#### Salty
ICU 812's Avatar
I am having a hard time understanding some of what is written here (is it me?).

What I do get, is that every nation t5hat has gone through a general gun confiscation in the past twenty years or so, and I mean Caneda, Australia and New Zealand, have strongly Liberal-Progressive governments. Additionally, none of them have a Bill of Rights as we know it.

The Bill of Rights, including the Second Amendment, is endorsed and supported by conservatives in general. While it used to be that liberals cherry picked their way around the Second Amendment while theyendoesed and supported the First, Fourth and Fifth Amendments, today they would abolish all ten of them and rewrite the Constitution to boot.

The days when the ACLU would defend the rights of Neo-Nazi groups to openly march through Muskogee Oklahoma are long gone.

If anyone is looking to disarm the American public at large, it is the Liberal-Progressive-Socialist left in the USA today.
  • Tiny
  • 06-05-2023, 10:04 AM
... "Log Cabin" Republicans??

... Blimey! ... Reckon I was at a pancake breakfast with them
back in February...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
I'd like to see more Log Cabin Republicans. They're good marketers -- they got their name on syrup bottles. Gays may not be a large % of America, but every vote counts. And I know at least one person who left the Republican Party because her son was gay.

And so as to not hijack Ripmany's thread, America needs more gay, gun packing Republicans!
A correction.
They got their name FROM a syrup bottle.
Big difference.
Add in TDS. The Daily Show has used that acronym long before the trumpites.
How many artists had trump served with cease and desist over him using their music?
I'd like to see more Log Cabin Republicans. They're good marketers -- they got their name on syrup bottles.They stole their name from a product. Just saying. Gays may not be a large % of America, but every vote counts. And I know at least one person who left the Republican Party because her son was gay.

And so as to not hijack Ripmany's thread, America needs more gay, gun packing Republicans! Originally Posted by Tiny
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