Medicare and Social Security Dilemma

A retired friend of mine called and said with some of the Medicare cutbacks on his prescription drug allowance, his first level of coverage had already ended this year in May. Usually, he said, it lasts until October or November, but between the increase in prices and the cutback of some benefits, he really got concerned about his finances.

He said he talked it over with several of his retired peers and one friend suggest that he purchase an adolescent Black Angus bull, put it out in his pasture with all his other cows...and they would have plenty of beef throughout their lives...and be able to sell some and have an extra income as well.

He went to the auction, bought the young bull, took him to his friend's pasture, but after several weeks, the little bull hadn't seemed interested in any of the cattle in the pasture.

Discouraged and angry, he told his friend his idea had failed...and he had wasted all his money.

The friend called his vet, who came over and tested the little bull's testosterone levels and told both of them that he thought everything would work-out in a few months, but he was probably just a little young.

But he gave my friend some pills that might hasten the process along, and told him to make sure the little guy got one pill per day in his food.

After a couple of weeks, the little fellow started polling every cow in the pasture. Then, after another couple of weeks, he jumped the fence and started mounting every cow in the neighbor's pastures.

Then, my friend said, "Man, I'm not too sure what was in those pills, but they taste a lot like peppermint!" ;-D