Face pics

How do you guys feel about sending a face pic to a provider before a date?

Some require them.
August Black's Avatar
Ehhhh idk about sending selfies. If you’re dealing with a super high end provider then maybe but I’d just counter with meeting in a public place….for the talent in Albany hell no
Only with SA girls the day of and a short time before a date have I ever sent a face pic.

One time to see a Brazilian and to see Bentley J have I gone through a screening process

Stg girls tho? No shot will I do that.
I don't see the problem depending on the provider. Those same pics can be anywhere, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, they could have been gotten from "anywhere", so they don't mean too much. Like other post, stg? Probably never, but something a bit more special? Worst case scenario, some crazy scammer found your profile.
For a higher end and established provider, I MIGHT. Like if BBG needed one. But my problem with sending a face pic is a potential sting. If I send a face pic and it’s a sting, when I hypothetically pull into the hotel parking lot and notice a few unmarked uncle LEO style cars, I’m already fucked with enough probable cause to ruin my life.
If no face pic was sent, i can simply drive off.

Im not judging anyone who chooses to send a face pic. We all have a risk threshold - this is just beyond mine.
No especially if you are a professional, I got into with a WACKJOB who sometimes posts on the STG. Who know what it can be used for just opening a can of worms..as usual IMHO
Other than telling age/race, I don't know why they want a pic, Altho am sure they have certain good or perceived reasons. A no for me also, imagine have missed some good providers over the years but that my risk tolerance
What about the ones that ask for a dick pic? What is that all about?
Never send a dic pic !! Good way to get a pic from them first though is ask for a naked pic so you know they aren't LEO or underage. Besides who wants to scare a provider!!
I used to send face pic for a couple of reasons:
1) To reduce or eliminate that initial disappointment on the lady's face when we first meet
2) To let the lady know that it is actually me when she opens the door
3) To give her a slight sense of security (fair is fair - I know what she looks like)*
*however, she could be using fake pics and so could I!!

I don't send one anymore because I have a fairly good resume of established references and if you don't want to see me because I won't send you a photo, deposit, copy of my license, business phone number, shoe size, last 4 digits of my SS#, mother's maiden name, etc., etc., etc. - I don't care! There are plenty of ladies that WILL see me....NEXT!!
Never send a dic pic !! Good way to get a pic from them first though is ask for a naked pic so you know they aren't LEO or underage. Besides who wants to scare a provider!! Originally Posted by Scoot642
I'd rather scare them than make them laugh!

But seriously, what do they think sending one does for them?
I'd rather scare them than make them laugh!

But seriously, what do they think sending one does for them? Originally Posted by Southgate18
On the bad side of it ,you find that 1 or 2 crazy provider thats gonna put your face all over her fake FB page or threaten to have someone kick your ass. I had one that tried that and all I said go ahead take what I dont have and by making those threats you just incriminating yourself ,my phone records messages so if you're okay with that keep going. 3 weeks after she came over for $40 hhr and apologized.
bustybabygirl's Avatar
I once had a man send me his social security card!

Of course I told him to never, ever send anything like that to a lady - or anyone else for that matter.