
cookie man's Avatar
Ok I know this is a stretch, but I was thinking about visiting Belize for a much needed vacation. If anyone has some info or recommendations, I would appreciate it.
I may even look into buying some property there. Maybe I'll run into Jerry Jeff.
2ed largest reef system in the world is there. Including the Blue Hole. Made my first open water dive there. If your a diver, its a must do.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
It's been awhile but you fly into Belize City and then take a small jumper to one of the cayes (islands), is what I believe that they're called. (It's been a long time since I've been there!)

It also has some great jungle areas if that is something you're interested in. One fishing village had only a hundred people but also had daily AA meetings. For whatever reason, I thought that was funny.

I haven't been there since the early 90's but when I was there, you could travel cheap and close to the ground. But if it's gone the way of Costa Rica, that's probably not "no more".

Ambergris Caye was enjoyable and I spent about a week there. If you like to scuba dive, and I do NOT, then it's certainly the place to go. I did go deep sea fishing with some others and that was ... ah, something.

I don't understand why people go to Belize and they don't wish to ever leave. That wasn't my experience but I think back on it and smile at my experiences.

This response probably didn't help you at all ... but after that trip, I had planned a trip to Honduras, didn't make it and ended up pregnant. Note to others, if planning a trip to Honduras, don't cancel.

Point being, is I read that Honduras was now like the old Belize. If you're interested in purchasing property that might be an option as well and it borders Belize. Plus, there used to be great kayaking there, if that's a joy for you.

When I was there, there were plenty of women on the prowl looking for male companionship (or at least I was looking for some silliness with men). I wasn't very successful in that area, I never am unless I'm selling my time, but there was that element as well.

cookie man's Avatar
Thanks Elisabeth..good stuff.
Belize seems to have a little bit of everything....jungle, rivers, caves, diving, fishing, barrier reef, stable government, and English is the national language.
I hardly ever travel and am thinking about buying a little "casita" there. I've been in the rat race so long, I'm ready to find a place to go and try to get it out of my system for a little while. Might be cheaper than
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Yes. English is spoken there freely. I have a few funny stories about that trip, probably a little wilder then my personae here, but when I get a little more "umph" in my step after returning from Chicago last night ... I might share some.

I do remember one lady speaking to me at a bar and offering to sell me her wedding ring so she could stay in Belize another week. And she wasn't drunk. Well, not completely. She wasn't the only person that I've met in my life that wanted to make Belize their personal shangri-la.

So it does have that appeal. I know that for a fact! Good luck with your plans. Need anyone to come with you and carry your luggage?

Nitwitboy's Avatar
Greatest vacation I can think of!!! Property laws are a little strange so do your research.
cookie man's Avatar
Thanks N. Elisabeth that is a great offer, but I'll be travelling
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Yes, well having a woman to carry your bags probably isn't very practical. But I had to try!

Pearl Man's Avatar
Been to Ambergris Caye 20 or 30 times. Great diving. Laid back atmosphere. Mostly golf carts, hardly any vehicles or pavement. Building codes restrict buildings to lower than the highest palm tree on the island. Gets wiped out by a hurricane every few years but comes back quick. If you fuck up really bad you get banned to Caye Caulker. Caye Caulker is a really cool place too. Biggest event on Ambergris Caye is the Saturday Night Chicken Drop. Paint up a 4x8 piece of plywood with squares and numbers. Sell off the numbers for $1 each. Drop a chicken on the board and who's ever number he shits on wins all the money. Of course you have to kiss the chicken's butt to get the money.
cookie man's Avatar
Pearlman you have lived! My hero! You are like the ECCIE John
20 or 30 friggin times? Geesh
TexTushHog's Avatar