Lifestyle labels

LatexLover's Avatar
I am new to this and only practice bdsm in the hobby so am ignorant about some of the terminology used to describe various participants. Dominant and submissive seem fairly straight forward as does switch. What does one mean when they refer to themselves as a kinkster? Is that akin to a fetishist? Curious.....
Ezmerelda's Avatar
I do not think Kinkster is in particular to a fetish. Fetish would be, in my opinion, leaning towards a particular interest. Say, BDSM. Many who are kinky just want to spank my butt before we do it.
i would say a kinkster is someone who does not want a particularly vanilla session. His idea of fun is more likely to include some additional aspects of sex play, ie, spanking, foot worship, forced masturbation or just a certain type of lingerie. I would say it's probably different for everybody. If a guy tells you he wants a kinky session, I would ask for some guidelines, or else you are going to be groping in the dark, and he might turn out to be one dissatisfied client. Everybody's mind is unique.
Miss Sophie Bella's Avatar
Hi LL, thanks for joining us!

"Kinkster" is simply a catchall term used to mean anyone participating in the non-vanilla sexual lifestyle. Because the kink community includes people of all sexual orientations and gender identities and with all sort of fetishes and preferences, the terminology and labeling can be overwhelming. Further articulation is needed to understand what being a kinkster means about any individual.
houston_switch's Avatar
I use the term to open up a conversation usually by IM to explore a providers additional services...