A dozen polls show that Obamacare is now more popular than ever!!!

Good luck Trump and see how the repeal goes-http://www.vox.com/2017/2/24/14725166/polls-obamacare-more-popular
The NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll has been tracking views of the health law since 2009. Its poll in January indicated for the first time that more people viewed the health law as a good idea than as a bad one.

An NBC/WSJ poll asked whether Barack
Obama’s health care plan was a good or bad idea

Source: A NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey conducted Jan. 12-15 asked 1,000 adults whether Barack Obama’s health care plan was a good idea or a bad idea.
A Fox News poll showed a similar flip in views after the election. Its survey found that half of Americans now view the law favorably.


More Americans than ever approve of the Affordable Care Act, according to a new Pew Research Center poll.

The poll, conducted in mid-February, found that 54% of those surveyed approve of the health care law, versus 43% who disapproved.

Americans’ feelings about the divisive law, also called Obamacare, have zigzagged since its 2010 approval, though sentiment has typically skewed negative. But as lawmakers returned to their districts this week, they were met by protests and concerns about the ACA’s repeal.
Good luck Trump and see how the repeal goes-http://www.vox.com/2017/2/24/14725166/polls-obamacare-more-popular
The NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll has been tracking views of the health law since 2009. Its poll in January indicated for the first time that more people viewed the health law as a good idea than as a bad one.

An NBC/WSJ poll asked whether Barack
Obama’s health care plan was a good or bad idea

Source: A NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey conducted Jan. 12-15 asked 1,000 adults whether Barack Obama’s health care plan was a good idea or a bad idea.
A Fox News poll showed a similar flip in views after the election. Its survey found that half of Americans now view the law favorably.


More Americans than ever approve of the Affordable Care Act, according to a new Pew Research Center poll.

The poll, conducted in mid-February, found that 54% of those surveyed approve of the health care law, versus 43% who disapproved.

Americans’ feelings about the divisive law, also called Obamacare, have zigzagged since its 2010 approval, though sentiment has typically skewed negative. But as lawmakers returned to their districts this week, they were met by protests and concerns about the ACA’s repeal. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
The Pew Research Center, lol. Yeah it stinks alright.

Good luck Trump and see how the repeal goes-http://www.vox.com/2017/2/24/14725166/polls-obamacare-more-popular
The NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll has been tracking views of the health law since 2009. Its poll in January indicated for the first time that more people viewed the health law as a good idea than as a bad one.

An NBC/WSJ poll asked whether Barack
Obama’s health care plan was a good or bad idea

Source: A NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey conducted Jan. 12-15 asked 1,000 adults whether Barack Obama’s health care plan was a good idea or a bad idea.
A Fox News poll showed a similar flip in views after the election. Its survey found that half of Americans now view the law favorably.


More Americans than ever approve of the Affordable Care Act, according to a new Pew Research Center poll.

The poll, conducted in mid-February, found that 54% of those surveyed approve of the health care law, versus 43% who disapproved.

Americans’ feelings about the divisive law, also called Obamacare, have zigzagged since its 2010 approval, though sentiment has typically skewed negative. But as lawmakers returned to their districts this week, they were met by protests and concerns about the ACA’s repeal. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt

Thanks for the update, we were wondering how many people in the USA made below 20K a year. Thanks Obama for making our country a welfare state.

Whew, I am sure am glad my premiums went to $600 month and my deductible to $6000.00. I feel American again.

Your about a stupid son o bitch Luke. Dumb motherfucker.
The Pew Research Center, lol. Yeah it stinks alright.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Jim have you started drinking again? One of the 12 polls was the ole trusted Fox news poll.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
those same polls that said HildeWhore was winning by a double digit lead??

Thanks for the update, we were wondering how many people in the USA made below 20K a year. Thanks Obama for making our country a welfare state.

Whew, I am sure am glad my premiums went to $600 month and my deductible to $6000.00. I feel American again.

Your about a stupid son o bitch Luke. Dumb motherfucker. Originally Posted by canuckeight
Now you are the dumb fuck- do you realize if there was no Obamacare that insurance companies still can raise your premiums you ignorant dumb fuck. Have you had the chance to look at the leaked republican replacement to Obamacare- it only benefits those who are healthy(i.e the ones who need insurance the least).
Thanks for the update, we were wondering how many people in the USA made below 20K a year. Thanks Obama for making our country a welfare state.

Whew, I am sure am glad my premiums went to $600 month and my deductible to $6000.00. I feel American again.

Your about a stupid son o bitch Luke. Dumb motherfucker. Originally Posted by canuckeight
Now you are the dumb fuck- do you realize if there was no Obamacare that insurance companies still can raise your premiums you ignorant dumb fuck. Have you had the chance to look at the leaked republican replacement to Obamacare- it only benefits those who are healthy(i.e the ones who need insurance the least).
Now you are the dumb fuck- do you realize if there was no Obamacare that insurance companies still can raise your premiums you ignorant dumb fuck. Have you had the chance to look at the leaked republican replacement to Obamacare- it only benefits those who are healthy(i.e the ones who need insurance the least). Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Once again FALSE
Now you are the dumb fuck- do you realize if there was no Obamacare that insurance companies still can raise your premiums you ignorant dumb fuck. Have you had the chance to look at the leaked republican replacement to Obamacare- it only benefits those who are healthy(i.e the ones who need insurance the least). Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Umm, They did raise my premiums and my deductible. Next
Thanks for the update, we were wondering how many people in the USA made below 20K a year. Thanks Obama for making our country a welfare state.

Whew, I am sure am glad my premiums went to $600 month and my deductible to $6000.00. I feel American again.

Your about a stupid son o bitch Luke. Dumb motherfucker. Originally Posted by canuckeight
Although it's a leaked draft- it's been categorized as horrible by health care officials:
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Now you are the dumb fuck- do you realize if there was no Obamacare that insurance companies still can raise your premiums you ignorant dumb fuck. Have you had the chance to look at the leaked republican replacement to Obamacare- it only benefits those who are healthy(i.e the ones who need insurance the least). Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt


Although it's a leaked draft- it's been categorized as horrible by health care officials:
http://www.slate.com/blogs/moneybox/...the_needy.html Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
That article is a total Opinion piece. What they don't tell you is the lack of choices for health Ins Co. They are are all dropping out.
I am all for covering the poor and existing conditions. Sen Rand Paul has a great plan that needs to be looked at. It would allow for people to purchase catastrophic ins and pay for their own wellness. There is much more to it than than that, but that is a key component.
That article is a total Opinion piece. What they don't tell you is the lack of choices for health Ins Co. They are are all dropping out.
I am all for covering the poor and existing conditions. Sen Rand Paul has a great plan that needs to be looked at. It would allow for people to purchase catastrophic ins and pay for their own wellness. There is much more to it than than that, but that is a key component. Originally Posted by canuckeight
My Son-in-law works in the insurance field- there's nothing you or anyone can do for stopping an insurance company from raising your premiums or deductibles, nothing at all. So please don't say Obamacare raised your premiums- it was your damn insurance company who raised your premiums and if Obamacare is ever repealed there's nothing stopping the insurance company from raising your premiums if they so choose.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
My Son-in-law works in the insurance field- there's nothing you or anyone can do for stopping an insurance company from raising your premiums or deductibles, nothing at all. So please don't say Obamacare raised your premiums- it was your damn insurance company who raised your premiums and if Obamacare is ever repealed there's nothing stopping the insurance company from raising your premiums if they so choose. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
u obtuse moron. your bastard son-in-law is just as big of an idiot as u are. my Uncle owns an insurance agency ... bahhaa he said at the time what an absolute disaster that is ACA.

who do u think knows more .. your flunky idiot retarded bastard son-in-law or someone who owns an insurance agency?

bahhaa loser
My Son-in-law works in the insurance field- there's nothing you or anyone can do for stopping an insurance company from raising your premiums or deductibles, nothing at all. So please don't say Obamacare raised your premiums- it was your damn insurance company who raised your premiums and if Obamacare is ever repealed there's nothing stopping the insurance company from raising your premiums if they so choose. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
That's total bullshit. First of all we all know you are not capable of having children due to your low sperm count, obesity and brain damage.

Second if ACA doesn't regulate my cost what the fuck is it good for? It only made my choices for health care less available.