Amazon plays the game

VitaMan's Avatar
As Amazon continues the search for their 2nd corporate headquarters, which city is going to cave in the most ? Amazon is playing the game better than the NFL. Why should we (our corporation) pay for stuff, when the city will do it ?

Amazon is also starting their own delivery service. They will compete directly with some of their most valued partners (UPS, USPS). That doesn't seem like a great idea to take business from your most important partners.

Houston Oilers......Houston Oilers....Houston Oilers # 1
bigwill832's Avatar
Amazon delivery needs to get their shit together. I've had three deliveries from them and each time the package was left halfway up my damn walkway, just sitting out in the open in the middle of the yard, basically.
^^^^ did they take a photo? ....check your account.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
That was as far as they could throw it when they drove by.
bigwill832's Avatar
Are they supposed to take a photo? The first time I found a box sitting in the middle of my walkway, I thought someone was playing fuck-fuck games. I'll admit to prodding the box around until I saw the label on it and realized what it was. I did take a photo and contacted Amazon. CS told me it wouldn't happen again...blah blah blah....and of course, it kept happening.
VitaMan's Avatar
There is a video on youtube of a guy who got boxes on his house porch, and people kept stealing them. Then he rigged up fake packages that exploded. Amazing to see what kind of people try to get the packages.