A MILLION Bucks at a Strip Club?

ICU 812's Avatar
How can anyone spend a million bucks at a strip club in one short night?

Any body been to this place here in Houston?


  • H&H
  • 11-13-2021, 09:04 AM
never been there but need to comment:
I think Tom Hanks as Forest Gump said: "Stupid is as stupid does." Both of these fools should be put on everyone's idiot list.
ICU 812's Avatar
Hoe, HOW does one spend . . .I mean thats fifty THOUSAND lap dances.

What did he do, run a tab for everyone else in the place?

I can understand indulging yourself and your "friends", but at a million bucks . . . . .

My Gast is totally flabberfed.
pyramider's Avatar
They partied at Dave & Busters they took the tickets they won to the strip club.

It is highly unlikely that they blew a million at a strip club even if they made it rain. Think about it ... carrying a million in cash is a lot of mass. Sure credit cards but doubtful the strip club would run that much on one person.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Well who woulda thunk that pyramider would discount someone elses exaggeration (couldn't resist that).

But, back chasing the story, it was some 3rd party who said "looks like they spent"...
I wish if I looked like a zillion, I actually had a zillion. Hell, I'd settle for whatever amount covered a bar tab.
Ripmany's Avatar
It explains the dollar bill shortage. All $1.
Probably had bottle service of crystal and other high end beverages, which can cost $25,000 to $50,000 a bottle in a stripclub, 20 to 40 bottles for an entourage of 20/30 of your closest friends. It’s easy to do, if you got it, spend it…
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 11-15-2021, 01:48 AM
They both have plenty of money to burn
ICU 812's Avatar
They partied at Dave & Busters they took the tickets they won to the strip club.

It is highly unlikely that they blew a million at a strip club even if they made it rain. Think about it ... carrying a million in cash is a lot of mass. Sure credit cards but doubtful the strip club would run that much on one person. Originally Posted by pyramider
You have made a good point about physically moving around that much money. However, if it was initially in hundreds it could be neatly stacked in a brief case I think. I think $100,00 makes a stack of paper 6' high or about as tall as two reams of printer paper. Ten of those stacks makes a million.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Thats digusting! LOL!
... Last time I was at a stripper pub - me and some
mates are tossin' the pretty-birds a couple dollars
a throw... And a fat drongo wearin' a necktie all-askew
is surely handin' the lovvys fives and tens!

They told me that fellow was named Stinebrenner.
All the pretty-birds surely fawned all-about Him.

Some fellows ruin the game for everybody
with higher prices.

Unless lads decide to go elsewhere.

Or, of course, make MORE money $$$$ to spend.
Surely takes ALL KINDS!

#### Salty
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
... Last time I was at a stripper pub - me and some
mates are tossin' the pretty-birds a couple dollars
a throw... And a fat drongo wearin' a necktie all-askew
is surely handin' the lovvys fives and tens!

They told me that fellow was named Stinebrenner.
All the pretty-birds surely fawned all-about Him.

Some fellows ruin the game for everybody
with higher prices.

Unless lads decide to go elsewhere.

Or, of course, make MORE money $$$$ to spend.
Surely takes ALL KINDS!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
New York Yankees Steinbrenner?
... He was kinda fat... looked like a banker or maybe
a bloke who did accountes... But maybe he was a baseballer.

The other lads there kept calling him Stinebrenner.
Sayin' he was bad for the game.

### Salty
If I had a million dollars to piss away like that I wouldn’t do it in a strip club. A million is more like a week long private party with me and about five or six hookers in a beach side villa somewhere.
What a dumb waste of money. I quit going to strip clubs years ago since they pressure you into giving out money at every step. Situations like this probably contribute to that mindset. I bring money to the club and do spend it, but if some girl comes up to me to shake me down for money because she was just on stage and I wasn't even paying attention to her I am not paying.

Like Gadabout said, beach side villa or a yacht or something. Hell, I know a guy who travels abroad and have their pick of ANYTHING they want every night for less than $100. He always comes back with a big smile and a lot of stories