Long-time client passes away

Just a few moments ago, I received word that a long-time client of mine, who became more like a friend than a 'customer,' finally lost his 4 year battle with colon cancer. He struggled mightily with it, going through enough rounds of chemotherapy and radiation enough to poison and nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki all over again.

It was his wife who actually called me to tell me. Strange, I know, but he and his wife had an understanding that since they were no longer in love ( but stayed together for their teenage boys, she was well aware of him seeing me exclusively, almost like a mistress) . He asked her that upon his passing, to have her call me and let me know. We used to communicate frequently by e mail and text message.

I have to admit that I started to cry. He didn't have a lot of money and came to see me every few months like clockwork, but we had seen each other for ten years, and then he got sick. And even then, he'd pay me for company and I'd always let him stay longer than the hour. I found myself looking through all the little gifts he had given me through the years and the cards, and you know, I never thought I'd feel this heartbroken over someone whom our initial encounter was as client and escort.

It just goes to show you that sometimes, this 'job' is not what it always appears to be. Sure, men pay for sex, we're there for the money, but there's also that other very real aspect of the business called humanity and compassion, especially for those regulars whom we get to know over the years. I don't know if any of you guys or gals would feel the same way if your ATF or a favorite client regular died, but there's a little empty feeling in me right now. I can't help feeling the way I do. Naturally, I'm not going to 'show up' at the funeral, but I will visit his grave and put some flowers there, and maybe a little box of Viagra, in case there's 'any action up there' in heaven.
Ava my sincere condolences to you for the loss of your friend. You have just shown you have a heart with compassion and that you are human. Rejoice in the times you spent with your friend and remember him in your heart. Even though everything that has a beginning has an end, if we remember those who have passed, they live in our hearts.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Ava, its only natural to mourn the loss of someone you have been close to. The fact that you are able to maintain friendships over the long-term just shows the type of lady you truly are.
bojulay's Avatar
Sweet and sad. Sorry for your loss of a friend, they are hard to come by.
Still Looking's Avatar
None of this are getting out alive! At least he got to be with you! I bet he was thinking the same thing!
pyramider's Avatar
Ava, we are all human.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Sorry for your loss sweetheart
Fast Gunn's Avatar
That is a touching story alluringava.

I am sorry for your loss,

But it does go to show that in spite of these cynical times, some providers still have a heart.

. . . Human compassion lives on!

Angel Knight's Avatar
I truely apologize for your loss, as i do know exactly what you are going through and i deeply sympathize with you... i have a fantastic friend that started the same way within this business and we always had a blast together until he started having a series of heart attacks over the last 6 years and he has been in and out of the hospital with me right there to confort him but unfortuantly we are only guaranteed 2 things here on the beautiful earth and that is life and death.... all we can do for the loved ones we have lost is Pray for their souls and have a sign of relief that the person who we cared so much about is not in pain or suffering any longer.... lift your head up and know that he enjoyed his life because he met a special friend like you.... you are a special person who understands and feels compassion and sensativity.... have a Blessed day honey... and always remember to smile....
ben dover's Avatar
So sorry for your loss. Your response just disproves what most people say and think about this "hobby". You can get close and have real feelings between client and provider. It is rare but it does happen. Thanks for sharing private thoughts. You're a very caring person.....BD
DallasRain's Avatar
great comments....I am so sorry for your loss and his family's!

{sometimes there are "special: clients in our life that will always be in our hearts no matter what happens to them........I have a few like that}
I am very sorry for your loss, Ava. I also tip my hat to you. Your openness about the way you're feeling only solidifies the "Popular misconceptions about Providers". I hope you will find peace in knowing that he's no longer suffering.
You, and his family, are in my thoughts and prayers. He was luck to have a good friend like you.
Jami-Lynn's Avatar
Im so sorry for the loss of your friend.....sounds like you have some special memories to hold on to, the kind that will last a lifetime! Thank you for sharing this....and for being real!
I'm sorry for your loss and understand how you feel. Most of my clients and real life playmates are repeat offenders and usually see me on some sort of a regular basis over an extended period. They become more than a client or an easy lay. Not like a spouse, mate or SO but more than a client or fuck buddy. I dont want say more than a friend but different from someone who is just a friend. I dont get attached to them any traditional way but the fact that they return to see me whether its once a week or once a year creates a comfort level and a special relationship that most will never know... Take comfort in the fact that he battled and is now in a better place. You both are better for having known each other....