If Eccie were a drinking game... Rules?

If there was a drinking game for Eccie, what would the rules be?

Alert on backpage provider - take a sip

Catfight in Co-ed - take a drink

Evertytime a provider retires -finish your drink.

Every time someone has a religious awakening and shares bible quotes on the board - take a shot

What else ?
Honey, I’d gladly meet you and discuss.
RyanFromTER's Avatar
When ever a provider is called BSC - take a sip
When a fucktard professes his love and devotion to a hooker shotgun a beer....
GingerKatt's Avatar
When someone whines about something. Client or Provider.
Drink up!
Someone gets banned- drink
Boltfan's Avatar
When Tara gets banned, take a drink
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 02-04-2018, 07:01 PM
When Tara gets banned, take a drink Originally Posted by Boltfan
is there that much alcohol
pyramider's Avatar
When the OP posts taint photos ... drinck.
When the OP posts taint photos ... drinck. Originally Posted by pyramider
Meh. If anyone sees my taint, it’s IRL.


“Pyramider asks for taint photos- chug “

Sounds like like a good one.
When a haggler messages a provider to lower her rate - take a jello shot.
whenever a white knight rears his ugly head to defend a provider he's seen. take a drink
bored@home's Avatar
"available" reply in ISO that doesn't apply to the request = drink
Thre-AD in coed = shot
face palm worthy response by your gender (ex. "I'm under xyz") to a post = chug
when someone pays in advance.....a shot
Every time you read no bbfs, but they end up pregnant. Drink a bottle.