Going on a sabbatical

austin88998833's Avatar
Hi Eccie folks, at risk of sounding like a grandiose retirement announcement, which it’s not, just letting you know you won’t see me active on here for a bit. Don’t know for how long, just going through some personal stuff and need a clear head to focus on other more important life matters right now.

Just didn’t want anyone thinking I dropped off the face of earth, or if I didn’t answer a text or DM in a timely manner, for you to think I was being rude. It’s been fun. I may log on occasionally just to see what’s going on in Hobbyville, or I may not. Lots I don’t know right now. Hope to catch up in the not too distant future!
TBoo's Avatar
  • TBoo
  • 06-02-2019, 07:36 PM
I’m really thinking about doing the same!
Hot Summer's Avatar
Awwwwww I will miss you boys ! Dont be strangers you guys set the bar high on how gentlemen should act ! Well I only wish you and yours the best! Take care of yourself.
I loved meeting you both on my trip to the Rock and i truly enjoyed our time together, hope to see you again someday.
g0lfnutt's Avatar
Take care Austin! I am sure we will see you again soon!
Take care Austin, see you on the flip side!
boblawblog's Avatar
be good homey. i should do the same....but the titties, etc....
austin88998833's Avatar
Thanks for the kind words everyone. I really appreciate it
BK's Avatar
  • BK
  • 06-02-2019, 11:04 PM

Just kidding, you will be missed and see you when you return Should at least go out with a Banned...
suzukidrew's Avatar
Hope everything works out well for you. Take care and see you soon.