Roto Asian Ads

There are a whole bunch now. Anyone tried to sort through any of these and see how many are actually the same provider. Not unusual to find 2-3 that are the same. There are at least a half dozen ads now with different numbers.
This one is the best of I used.

They will send you actual selfies of the girls after your first visit.
Any in the Northland or all in Joco ?
TailHooked's Avatar
This one is the best of I used.

They will send you actual selfies of the girls after your first visit. Originally Posted by eawt88
So how does your first visit go? I have wanted to try one but they seem to be mostly pot luck. Some times a good dish and other times not.
Yep that's pretty much right tail hooked... except that is probably more like 80% meh not good, 10% awful, and maybe just maybe 10% better than ok, not amazing just ok.
I thought about going to these places many times, but since they post fake pics in about 99% of their ads i never pull the trigger.
Hey123's Avatar
Any in the Northland or all in Joco ?
The ad on the link says KC, but is it correct?
Perryftthomas's Avatar
Pm some of the images you’ve received?