YMWV - It's not the real Sofia on that site

sofiaofhouston's Avatar
I would like to let you know that someone on this board signed me up for a board I know nothing about.YMVY or something like... I received an email that I had a PM..I did not sign up....If you all would like to know who is taking liberties on my behalf please let me know. If you feel this is "outing" or just letting you all know who is f%^*&*g with me, please advise....You can come forward on your own and explain why you did it....Or if anyone wants to know who just let me know. I did not create an avatar or persona for this alternate board...

By the way this person emailed me my log in and password. I have not touched it as I don't know what it is......Whatever you read on that board is not me. I have the PM and email saved of the person that signed me up. So fess up on your own or let me do it.....I'm giving you the opportunity to do the right thing on your own....
Why would anyone do this? I do not take liberties on RR's behalf or DH's behalf.....You don't want me on this board. TOO DAMN BAD......I'm here and unless getting kicked out I'm not going anywhere. Anyone who knows me will tell you I'm the last person to throw in the towel on anything! None of your BK activity or trying to post negatives on a good review will change the fact I'm here to stay..

The only thing not clear to me is your agenda....I know the agenda of others very well. Some have heavily vested interest in the well being of certain agencies, some are just here to start sh*&. Some like me, are here to establish a presence online. Point being, you created an identity that is not yours online on another website....Please explain...........( this brings in mind your reference to testicles on another thread).....ok time's up.....Show yours and fess up...Why did you do it and why? I'm not opening up a thread to throw sh&% around and throw mud at each other, simply to establish boundaries.......Fellow hobbyist how would you feel if someone was pretending to be you on another site? Ladies would you see this as trying to hurt your business? For the record I have not even been on that site to see the content of what has been placed under my name as I know it is not I that placed it.
What is the return email address of the person who sent you the log in and PW?
Dirty tricks like that are not funny. I doubt the perp will out himself. I wonder if the TECHies of this site could give you some private advice?
Good luck in sorting it out.


Wayward's Avatar
rr this is your news flash! There are DEAD people posting on YMWV! My ip logs show it is the real sofia, if not in actuality then completely in spirit.

I will creat... er "find" all the proof that is needed to support this position and will bring in the usual suspects to testify that the voices in my head are real.

Please, this is weak even for you.
When anyone registers it automatically sends the info from the owner of the board's email. That does not mean the owner set up your account. Anyone can register with any email address, it'll automatically send the email address a confirmation. It would be silly to register and use a different person's email address, because then you couldn't know the temporary password ?!?!??
dearhunter's Avatar
Which one of you fucktards is messing with my bitches?
rr this is your news flash! There are DEAD people posting on YMWV! My ip logs show it is the real sofia, if not in actuality then completely in spirit.

I will creat... er "find" all the proof that is needed to support this position and will bring in the usual suspects to testify that the voices in my head are real.

Please, this is weak even for you. Originally Posted by Wayward
Wayward, go back underneath your rock.
If the lady is speaking truth, the stuff I posted may be of help.
If she is stirring up more drama, that will become evident as she renders herself more pathetic, kind of like you.

LRR's logical analysis is spot on, evidence that Sofia (or someone on her computer) is likely stirring up useless drama.

I hold no soft spot for Sofia, but if someone has a question, I may try to point them toward someone who might be able to answer. As I told S., it is unlikely any perp is going to out himself, so her question is moot. Wayward is just looking for someone to bash, again. Lame, pathetic Wayward has lost his way. Someone show him the path back to his rock so he can take shelter from the world which so greatly troubles him.

Sofia, don't you need to go to CVS to replenish certain supplies at the PLACE? You did the last time I was there, and the last time several others were there by all accounts. Go take care of your business!

Wayward's Avatar
rr please come and join us on the Island of Misfit Toys. If you haven't been there how can you speak of it?

Let me type is short sentences with simple words so you don't get confused. Now go read the TOS for ymwv.net then come back and post that you have. Then tell the class what you think it means.

Now I sent login info to sofia via email, she said she wasn't interested because it was an BDSM site. I replied that it was an escort review and discussion board. Someone logged in with sofia's handle shortly after my email was sent to her.

Now this is on a board where nicky, diamondjohn, dagwood, Amber and ck1942 post all the time. Wait ck1942 isn't dead yet bad example sorry. So when you suggest with your Sherlochian brillance that something in the milk over on the Y isn't clean... I'm going to have to give you a hell to the yes.

But I would postulate that there is more real truth on the Y than what one normally finds on a SHMB.
notanewbie's Avatar
"ck1942 isn't dead yet"

not when there are redheads to find and coffee to drink.

had to.
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
Wayward you did it....You know you did....You even mentioned it on another thread....I'm not on that site nor will I be. I RECEIVED AN EMAIL ADVISING ME OF MY LOG IN AND PASSWORD FROM WAYWARD..
dearhunter's Avatar
There's gold in them there hills.

manpussies don't last long over there...................but, woman pussies are worshiped..................esp ecially if they show them titties.
dearhunter's Avatar
Wayward you did it....You know you did....You even mentioned it on another thread....I'm not on that site nor will I be. I RECEIVED AN EMAIL ADVISING ME OF MY LOG IN AND PASSWORD FROM WAYWARD.. Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston
I heard it might be one of sofia's talent having a little fun.

Anytime someone signs up on the Y, you get that message from wayward.
texasjohn1965's Avatar
Plausible deniability.......
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
Private Message: Re: my email
02-01-2010, 01:24 PM
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Join Date: Mar 28, 2009
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Default Re: my email
Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston
Welcome to YMWV sofia you can follow this link to log on

sofiaofhouston has been registered

Member Name: sofiaofhouston
Member Email: sofiaofhouston@gmail.com
Member Password: sofiaofhouston

Please change your password when you have a chance.

Take care ~

sofiaofhouston's Avatar
There is the copy and paste PM. Play with your own name WW....I did not ask you to register me on this nor will I ever ask anyone to register me on another site....
dearhunter's Avatar

Looks like normal board access information. If he was spoofing you, why would he tell you about it?

Did you go change your password?