Barr should be disbarred!

lickidyclit's Avatar
Now that the cat's out of the bag about his sugar coated interpretion of the Muller report findings that he tried to sell the American people,I for one would expect he be removed of his appointed position and have said appointment by his majesty be investigated as well!
gfejunkie's Avatar
Of course you would.
Now that the cat's out of the bag about his sugar coated interpretion of the Muller report findings that he tried to sell the American people,I for one would expect he be removed of his appointed position and have said appointment by his majesty be investigated as well! Originally Posted by lickidyclit
You'll find out eventually that there was collusion, but it wasn't on part of the Trump team but rather Clinton and Obama and members of the FBI higher echelon. You'll regret ever starting this thread.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The new democratic narrative, it is a violation of the the law to enforce the law??? Talk about mental illness. The dems have it in spades. Right is wrong and black is white.
lickidyclit's Avatar
your lord master knows he's fucked, he said said so!
LexusLover's Avatar
your lord master knows he's fucked, he said said so! Originally Posted by lickidyclit
It is Easter! Don't worry. He does forgive the afflicted.
I B Hankering's Avatar
your lord master knows he's fucked, he said said so! Originally Posted by lickidyclit
And then Mueller said he wasn't. BTW, Trump is your "lord and master". The rest of us elected him to be such for you.
PussySnob's Avatar
And then Mueller said he wasn't. BTW, Trump is your "lord and master". The rest of us elected him to be such for you. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
LexusLover's Avatar
BTW, Trump is your "lord and master". The rest of us elected him to be such for you. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
And he's enjoying himself so much he doesn't even take a salary.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Talk about mental illness, NO Means NO , No collusion , No Russians, No little green men PS Billary didn't win. The dim wits need to move on
Jaxson66's Avatar
Now that the cat's out of the bag about his sugar coated interpretion of the Muller report findings that he tried to sell the American people,I for one would expect he be removed of his appointed position and have said appointment by his majesty be investigated as well! Originally Posted by lickidyclit
There’s plenty of testimony through out volume two for hearings to begin. Barr is on the hot seat in May and he most likely will lie under oath. I beginning to believe he didn’t actually read the report and was depending on his aides for his conclusions. I believe a half ass divorce lawyer could find grounds for obstruction.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Now that the cat's out of the bag about his sugar coated interpretion of the Muller report findings that he tried to sell the American people,I for one would expect he be removed of his appointed position and have said appointment by His Regal Majesty the Lord Emperor Donald, Supreme Ruler of the Multiverse be investigated as well! Originally Posted by lickidyclit


The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
There’s plenty of testimony through out volume two for hearings to begin. Barr is on the hot seat in May and he most likely will lie under oath. I beginning to believe he didn’t actually read the report and was depending on his aides for his conclusions. I believe a half ass divorce lawyer could find grounds for obstruction. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

So his aides are bent, but not Barr because he .. didn't really read it?

Now that the cat's out of the bag about his sugar coated interpretion of the Muller report findings that he tried to sell the American people,I for one would expect he be removed of his appointed position and have said appointment by his majesty be investigated as well! Originally Posted by lickidyclit
What cat? What bag?
There’s plenty of testimony through out volume two for hearings to begin. Barr is on the hot seat in May and he most likely will lie under oath. I beginning to believe he didn’t actually read the report and was depending on his aides for his conclusions. I believe a half ass divorce lawyer could find grounds for obstruction. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Funny how you don't quote anything.