GOD love Brunette's


I found this video of my super celebrity crush Kate Beckinsale thought id share...and no I do not have a restraining order against me....lol
God love her and God loves brunettes!!

Voted the sexiest woman alive by esquire magazine!!

Enjoy!! She is one hot woman!!
Screw Tebow............God does love brunette's.
She absolutely does

I've been all colors and I always go back to my groovy brunette "roots"
DAMNnnnnnnnnnnn shes sweet!
Stunt Dick's Avatar
...and no I do not have a restraining order against me....lol Originally Posted by bigdeal
Yet? LOL

Nice vid, thanks for sharing. By the end of it I found my chair had swiveled and I'm involuntarily pointing north... Schwing!
Screw Tebow............God does love brunette's. Originally Posted by MsElena
I don't understand what Tebow has to do with it.

I never thought God cared much for football one way or the other until I watched Denver beat Pittsburgh the other night, now I'm not so sure...

The DarkSide's Avatar
She is perfect, I thought Kentucky fried chicken was finger licking good!
Great smile & legs.
Ok just got the Restraining order today...But still love this woman!!!
And then add the British accent!

She be out in Theaters coming this month I think with that new movie with marky mark wahlberg
"Contraband" and also In "Underworld Evolution"
Stunt Dick's Avatar
Imagining an hour session with her... One little coo with that British accent and it would be 59 1/2 minutes of snuggle time.
Hell I wouldnt even get my trousers down!
I don't understand what Tebow has to do with it.

I never thought God cared much for football one way or the other until I watched Denver beat Pittsburgh the other night, now I'm not so sure...

Jack Originally Posted by ksjack
Now ya know what I'm talkin about.
Now ya know what I'm talkin about. Originally Posted by MsElena
Ya made me smile and we both had our clothes on!

(well, I did anyway, I guess I shouldn't speak for you )

bikebryan's Avatar

I found this video of my super celebrity crush Kate Beckinsale thought id share...and no I do not have a restraining order against me....lol
God love her and God loves brunettes!!

Voted the sexiest woman alive by esquire magazine!!

Enjoy!! She is one hot woman!! Originally Posted by bigdeal
Hey now, back off ... she's MY woman! (At least I can dream!) Personally I prefer her shorter hair look in the Underworld movies, but she's 100% hot even if she were bald.
I bet she is bald....hmmmmm