I recieved a call last night and was read the riot act and basically told to watch my back due to someone that has premium access or allowing others access and leaking my post from the men's only area. I was also asked to apolgize and retract my statement.
I know i have been a wk in the past for a few ladies, but not to the point it puts someones life in harms way or affects their lively hood.
I am sorry and apologize to those that were affected by someone leaking or allowing access to private info. If i wanted that post public i would have posted in co-ed.
The damage has been done, and cannot but be undone. All i ask is that you think before putting other peoples lives at risk, that had nothing to do with the private info posted in the mens lounge.
I stand behind my post and will not retract nor apologize for it.
To those affected please accept my humbelest apology and forgive me for the leaking of info.
Modda, Adeptus, Crypt Kicker or whoever is moderating, i hope this post is not in violation. I just needed everyone to see the damage that can be caused by leaking private info.