Case of Outing

Tell me if I'm wrong. I came across this review here in Upstate NY.

Guy then proceeds to tell the masses her phone is linked to her real world FB account. Is that not a violation of this site? They don't seem to think so out east. Not to mention a fellow mod tells the guy he's ok in linking that info? What kind of mods are on here?

Girls, consider yourselves lucky to be in the Texas Forums. Apparently in other places links to real world info are fair game.
As followed from a member and then followed by a mod in NY...

I would say she's outing herself. If she advertises a work phone number that she's linking to her FB account, is it my obligation not to mention that?

Also, I explained why my yes was a yes, while acknowledging the drawbacks. You don't get to decide my rating for me. Originally Posted by joebuck45


You are absolutely right and that was well said. I would encourage you or whom ever to let her know that linking her Phone & Facebook is NOT advisable.

While this is not outing of an ECCIE Member, I'd please encourage you to let her know that she has put her RLI out there for people to check out!

DD Originally Posted by DDarkness
Here is what the guidelines state...

#5 - Outing or threats of outing are taken seriously. Membership here is anonymous and for the privacy of our members it will remain that way. That means any effort or attempt to connect a person's real world information to their username on this board will be dealt with swiftly and harshly. This includes real names, employment, medical info, addresses past or present, images, criminal or driving record, etc. We expect everyone who participates here to respect and go to great lengths to protect the anonymity and privacy of one another. Reckless disregard or accidental outing will also be taken very seriously.

You Decide...

Take caution when traveling or deciding to provide in that area ladies. Now obviously don't link your work number to FB. I'm sure most are smarter than that. However any info to them is fair game according their posts.

That is the first review I came across. I wonder how many others have this information in open forums on the board. And they wonder why sites like this are being taken down nation wide due to the ignorance of others. Guidelines are set in place for a reason.
Precious_b's Avatar
As your handle, it is a grey area.

I know it has never been fully codified to my satisfaction.
So, question... A male poster posts his real world number on an ISO (clearly not the smartest thing to do but we have seen that happened), a mod clears up, but before it happens, someone links his number, which he willingly posted, to his FB account. Fail? According to NY mods, gent can't be protected since he posted his number, correct?

Just turning the tables...
John4229's Avatar
As you’re asking, it seems a very borderline case.

Doesn’t really seem like the intention of the OP was to out/shame the provider, just to provide a resource for more pics of her. And he didn’t repost any personal information to this board, merely mentioned that searching her number on a different site would yield results.

I’ll agree that it was clumsy and a bit thoughtless, as he should have considered that FB contains more personal information than the provider would want customers to have … but reading the thread I’m not seeing any malicious intent.

I’ve seen a number of people here mention when a provider has a Twitter feed – are they then to blame for outing her if she posts RW information there? I tend to think not.

Essentially, it begs the question of how far one person must go to protect another from their own stupidity. A provider using her “work” number on a FB account, or any other social media account, is making a connection - she clumsily outed herself. Pretty stupid.

On the other hand, the wording of the rules indicates that even “accidental outing will also be taken very seriously.” So if you’re a letter-of-the-law type person, then it’s a clear TOS violation and the account holder should be sternly punished regardless of his intent.

It’s likely a warning to the OP and editing that out of the thread would be a more fair approach. And that rule could definitely be edited to indicate that any mention of the provider’s profile on other sites (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.), perhaps with the exception of other hobby-related sites, would be helpful.

Don't give out your real number, email address, or anything that connects you to the real world. The site's guidelines can't protect you unless you protect yourself.
Joe Buck's Avatar
Even if her number and email are connected to her FB there is no reason to publicly connect the dots so to speak. Someone intentionally made the effort to do so here and announce it. That in my book is outting!
Sooo happy everyone in my RW life knows what I do that seems stressful as shit and scary as hell..raaar
Most of the hookers on here use way too much social media so its easy to find their RW identities out as well as their johns. Think about providers who have Twitter, FB, Instagram, and others.
So, question... A male poster posts his real world number on an ISO (clearly not the smartest thing to do but we have seen that happened), a mod clears up, but before it happens, someone links his number, which he willingly posted, to his FB account. Fail? According to NY mods, gent can't be protected since he posted his number, correct?

Just turning the tables... Originally Posted by Camille Fox
Not a matter of turning, I see where you're going. Say a lady posts an alert and that gents number is associated with his FB. According to the mods out there, it should be left up. But yes, I also see where someone might do it in other situations. Good point Camille.

Lesson of it all, don't use or post real world info anywhere like Simon stated above. Gents can apparently post info in other cities and not be held to the guidelines.
After discussing with the mod there in NY, and seeing his comments this evening, it's been determined that there is a form of outing present. However since she is not an eccie member, the gent did not break the guideline as I was trying to conclude.

The first statement of guideline 5 simply states outing is taken seriously, but in this case it's not even though it's stated there is an issue by the mod. I was mainly referring to the first statement in combination with the last parts of the guideline. I am aware of the importance of keeping folks handles anonymous as part of the guideline suggests, but with regards to after that statement the guideline goes on to say "everyone who participates here to respect and go to great lengths to protect the anonymity and privacy of one another" which does not specify membership, I would think that means everyone, even non-members. The rule states accidental/reckless outing will ''also'' be dealt with which I would infer could go for anyone, not just members.

Apparently not the case and perhaps the guideline needs a revision to include everyone in the hobby realm. Not just members here.
flinde's Avatar
mods from new York.

if this situation is a "gray area" (which I don't believe it is), isn't it prudent to err on the side of caution and ditch the rw info?

member or non member, its still rw info which has absolutely no place here.

unless it's a donald trump hair joke.

doing a Hilary Clinton parsing of the words of the rules (I can use her real name cause who in their right mind would pay to fuck that cunty bitch) to permit rw info here is just wrong.
LiVing a double life is stressful and scary at times but the best route to take in this buSiness, I agree with Simon Don't give any real info out. This is the site it isn't the world people can portray themsElves hoWever they like through computer screens but that doesn't compare to real world so keep ur shit private people♡