whats your favorite part of...

Whats your favorite part of a womans body?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
other, mind & eyes
lilylivered's Avatar
I only get one choice
lilylivered's Avatar
It would be nice if someone had a party and a new girl was introduced, but that never happens
It would be nice if someone had a party and a new girl was introduced, but that never happens Originally Posted by lilylivered

I hope to meet you some day
batmanx's Avatar
I like to look at womens Hands, .
Breasts. That's it.
Whats your favorite part of a womans body? Originally Posted by Angel T
I've only found one who has the perfect ass.
Ceremony's Avatar
I voted for ass but, a great pair of legs is what leads to it.
Hygiene and teeth.
pyramider's Avatar
Damn, no one mentioned taint ...
jonboy52's Avatar
Vagina. A woman can have the perfect body, a wonderful personality, a beautiful heart, a pure soul, flawless character... but if your cock doesn't feel right in her vagina, as much as you love and respect her, your sex life with her will be very frustrating. If however she is 60 lbs overweight, nasty, evil, vile, rude, insufferable, ugly, yet if your cock absolutely rejoices inside her vagina... your sex life with her will be wonderful.

I wouldn't recommend being anything to the 2nd kind of woman but a living Sybian fucking machine. As to the first, she's a keeper. Just make sure she's ok with you banging the 2nd chick, too. But when you bring the topic up, I further suggest you hasten to add that she is free herself to fuck anyone else she wants to.

No guarantees. But you gotta try I suppose.
Mouth for not the obvious reason... I like a good kisser.. The depth of the soul in her eyes and as far as she lets me in drives me wild...