More helping the heavy lifting challenged

Gentlemen, Keep the thread on topic please. Originally Posted by Loki Pk
Banhammer alert!!!

I gave simple advice regarding the sharing of information regarding THIS thread and the OP's report.
Don't hi-jack this guys thread...he has a serious situation to report....move it along!
PK Originally Posted by Loki Pk
This simple advice??
Sounds like a lot of shades of grey... or worse....

Ok... so you can all understand, no matter what some other members agenda might be.... You can post that kind of information without repercussions.

Especially in alerts. just don't post Real life information about eccie members. If some BP bimbo robs you, post that UITB.
You can say where, when, who what and how. If that person is a member here....don't post their name and address or info that would lead to them being outed.

I know it seems as though I'm being over-zealous, I assure you that is not the case! A contingent of Upsetters have an agenda regarding the ban of other they are shitting in the punch bowl and spoiling the party to try to get a different outcome for members who fucked up.
Don't be afraid of getting banned for sharing info.... Just don't be careless sharing info of MEMBERS of this site.

You can share your story in full, if you have a concern about TMI, then send me or Highwayman64 a PM and we'll let you know where the line is.

Sorry the OP got robbed! That's really fucked up and thanks for letting us know.
Stay safe!
PK Originally Posted by Loki Pk

Originally Posted by Loki Pk
Ok... so you can all understand, no matter what some other members agenda might be....
You can post that kind of information without repercussions.

until you can't

Originally Posted by Loki Pk

Especially in alerts. just don't post Real life information about eccie members.
If some BP bimbo robs you, post that UITB.
You can say where, when, who what and how. If that person is a member here....don't post their
name and address or info that would lead to them being outed.

Like they've been seen in a strip club?

Originally Posted by Loki Pk
I know it seems as though I'm being over-zealous, I assure you that is not the case!

Originally Posted by Loki Pk
A contingent of
Upsetters have an agenda regarding the ban of other members...

Are you allowed to say which Upsetters?

Originally Posted by Loki Pk they are shitting in the punch bowl and spoiling the

Are you sure it's those pesky Upsetters trying to spoil the party? Or maybe the selective enforcement
and interpretation of the guidelines?
Some chick in Albanistan posted the full number with area code of some poor... but since she was flavor of the month up there... it was "overlooked"...
If that ain't outing.....
That WOS things has many concerned... in case you didn't notice....
or... I guess SOMEONE has noticed....

Originally Posted by Loki Pk
Don't be afraid of getting banned for sharing info....

Until you do.

Originally Posted by Loki Pk

You can share your story in full, if you have a concern about TMI

Again... until you can't.....

Originally Posted by Loki Pk
then send me or Highwayman64 a
PM and we'll let you know where the line is.

And.... How to walk right up to it???
Or something less than that?

Originally Posted by Loki Pk

Sorry the OP got robbed! That's really fucked up and thanks for letting us know.

At least this time.....
Anyone who believes that sharing info is okey dokey according to Loki.... deserves to be banned....

Wonder which guideline is going to be the next one to get rewritten.... Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
whew.... I need a beer.
What a thread. I'm putting both Paul and Loki Pak on my ignore list.
elghund's Avatar
What a thread. I'm putting both Paul and Loki Pak on my ignore list. Originally Posted by brasil


I gave simple advice regarding the sharing of information regarding THIS thread Originally Posted by Loki Pk
just THIS thread.... interesting.
wonder if we'll be getting instructions and advice for EVERY thrad.....
Loki Pk's Avatar
Maybe.... maybe not.
Either way, you'll just have to live with it.

Although, I must say I dig all the graphics and GiFs... saving them to my repository. Thanks for that

pyramider's Avatar
Ladies, this thread is desperately needing taint photos. The best modtarding is the less modtarding. Why do you thinck the dead modtards are in such high demand?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
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