new rules regardin yer ...plastic man

Plastic Man's Avatar
plastic man ...has been in deliberations with the jimmie ...mods an together with these prestigious ...members ...have come up with several guidelines ta adhere ta when adressin yer ...plastic man

...first be appropriate ta always be respectful when replyin ta er mentionin ...plastic man ta refer ta ...plastic man plastic man ...sir plastic man

...third ...always use the like ...button fer posts from ...plastic man this not only honors ...plastic man ...but also honors the beloved ...board an the ...activities detailed here

...finally ...if yer ...plastic man ...asks fer a discount funnels should not consider ...that an endorsement a their service but a blessin from ...above

...ta celebrate this new ...charter enjoy this semi ...rare pepe

cowboy8055's Avatar
And I thought you were keeping merica safe by huntin down those commies to the gates of hell.
Sir Plastic Man for modtard!!!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
crap. Now I got to stop hitting the like button PM posts
Thankee sir Plastic Man fer findin' yer way back from that dark funnel ta the board. Tits been down right boring wilst ya wuz lost in the funnel...... sept fer Paulie's feudin' with modtard Loki ( funny shit right there) . So I'll second Paulies nomination: Sir Plastic Man fer modtard. ps, ya wuz stuck in a funnel wernt ya?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Thankee sir Plastic Man fer findin' yer way back from that dark funnel ta the board. Tits been down right boring wilst ya wuz lost in the funnel...... sept fer Paulie's feudin' with modtard Loki ( funny shit right there) . So I'll second Paulies nomination: Sir Plastic Man fer modtard. ps, ya wuz stuck in a funnel wernt ya? Originally Posted by stiffchicken
He never should have gotten out of his car, taint easy finding car keys in a funnel.
All fine after monthly flushing flushed all out
btw: for sale classic black 60's Hurst. After major cleaning showroom mint again. smell may take a year or two
If you read PM's posts, with the dramatic pauses.... like.... this.... in a Shatner voice, they're more entertaining. Only need to read a few, you get the idea. )
Jessica Alba is Hot's Avatar
Sir Plastic Man,

I will remove my nomination for Modtard so you may step in uncontested.
All I ask of you is #FreeFranklin
Show us the light and we will follow the Golden Dildo.