Meaning of "available now"...

My dear providers...what should I, as a hobbyist, expect if you advertise, "Available now" and respond within 2 minutes of my initial contact?

I recently tried to see providers that advertised "now," but when we started talking, asked if an hour from "now" was ok.
TinMan's Avatar
I figure I have to give them at least enough time to clean up, get dressed and put on some makeup.

I would agree, however, that "now" doesn't mean all that, plus locate an incall on priceline, drive to said incall, stop by target for some rubbers...oh, and while I'm there pick up some groceries....
Most of the Available Now ads have Available Anytime, which also does not mean much. Since the change of ads to that format, all I get out out of it is that the providers who have those ads current are online and do not take days to get back to you when you PM her.
anytime i have tried to see a provider that advertises shes "available now" its usually not the case. I've tried plenty of times to see a lady and I get the "give me an hour"--which is perfectly okay. but then it turns into 2 and / or i get to the incall and im told to wait because she's not there yet or some other excuse.
My dear providers...what should I, as a hobbyist, expect if you advertise, "Available now" and respond within 2 minutes of my initial contact?

I recently tried to see providers that advertised "now," but when we started talking, asked if an hour from "now" was ok. Originally Posted by ShakenandCold
Do you expect that she would typically be freshly showered with makeup and hair done and waiting at her incall immediately upon posting the ad?

I'm guessing that in most cases she would not start getting ready until she received a suitable appointment request, if you were referring to the new feature on P411 when you mentioned 'available now' ads. That seems reasonable to me.

Or, she may reasonably figure that 'now' could loosely refer to any time within the next few hours, since she would have no idea whether a suitable reply would come in almost immediately, or whether it might take an hour or two.
I had very good luck with Phoenix Fire this week. Within ten minutes of her post I texted her and was at her incall 20 minutes later. Oddly enough she said that she has gotten VERY little buisness through p411.
10-15 minutes...maybe 20 tops is an acceptable time frame. But like txboi and Tin Man said, an hour or longer because they have to drive to the place and then freshen up is a little mood killing.
Guest072015-2's Avatar
My dear providers...what should I, as a hobbyist, expect if you advertise, "Available now" and respond within 2 minutes of my initial contact?

I recently tried to see providers that advertised "now," but when we started talking, asked if an hour from "now" was ok. Originally Posted by ShakenandCold
When I put available now I always include the hours im available such as 12pm-4pm. If you contact me during that time frame and want to book a session, I can usually meet within 25 min. I'm very low volume, however, and never book more than one session a day so if someone has already contacted me and booked, then I'd need to schedule with you for another day.
10-15 minutes...maybe 20 tops is an acceptable time frame. But like txboi and Tin Man said, an hour or longer because they have to drive to the place and then freshen up is a little mood killing. Originally Posted by ShakenandCold
10-15 minutes? Seriously? Good luck with that.

If you expect it to be the norm, I'm afraid you're going to be in for quite a bit of disappointment.
milfy2002's Avatar
I too post available now ads listing specific times. During those specific times I am at the incall, but I generally like to shower RIGHT before my appointment so I still need at least a half hour notice.

Maybe you are experiencing a combination of just bad luck and expectations set a tad too high.
let me clarify my post earlier. I expect on initial contact to be told to give them an hour. I'm ok with that. I'm not expecting to be in their parking lot and them to be ready to go right then and there...that's absurd. I'd be lucky to get there withing 30 minutes. When I see "available now" that means she can be ready within an hour. If I get a delay longer than that its probably because she has an appointment booked or she just isn't available.

These ladies have lives, kids and other clients. if anyone is expecting to just show up at an incall, walk in a room, with a lady on her back and legs in the air then you probably have the wrong vision.

When I see a lady, due to my schedule I give them a days notice. (several days in some cases) then I give them a reminder the day of (in case they forgot) and another about 1 1/2 hours out. If i do a last minute request, its probably because plan A fell through, but even then I would rather them take the time to clean up, shower and get sexy. If not I'll show up and high five the previous client, walk into a room that smells like sex, and trip over the used condom on the floor that she didn't have time to pick up because I couldn't wait 30 mins. Trust me guys in most cases she is doing you a favor but telling you to wait a bit.
icansmile's Avatar
It is ADVERTISING. Just like " I am HWP, I'm 22, I am GFE, I'll be the best you ever had, I'll leave you wanting more (actually I find that one to be accurate more often than not), etc. Anything to generate interest. I am not saying anything is wrong with it, it just is.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I too post available now ads listing specific times. During those specific times I am at the incall, but I generally like to shower RIGHT before my appointment so I still need at least a half hour notice.

Maybe you are experiencing a combination of just bad luck and expectations set a tad too high. Originally Posted by milfy2002
I think this is about right. I'd expect a provider to be at, or very near. The location of the session, but need just enough time for a quick shower. She should already be dressed for business or able to do so quickly. 30-45 minutes sounds about right. Hour absolute tops. Anything more is deceptive advertising.
I too post available now ads listing specific times. During those specific times I am at the incall, but I generally like to shower RIGHT before my appointment so I still need at least a half hour notice.

Maybe you are experiencing a combination of just bad luck and expectations set a tad too high. Originally Posted by milfy2002
I like the providers who let guys know the times they are actually available as opposed to the available anytime BS as obviously, that is not true. However, if you do give times you are available, then when a guy inquires of you, it would be feasible to reply back within an hour, even if it is to say "no thanks", or don't place an ad.

In any event, luck really should have nothing to do with being able to get a reply back from providers, but it is always a like a shot in the dark, sometimes you hit, most times you do not. Ladies want their time respected, but couldn't give two shits about a hobbyist's time who contacted them based on an ad that she is available. A guy just has to have the mindset to move on after a bit and consider it the provider's loss. It would be interesting to get a few ladies to give a perspective of what the expectation level of a hobbyist for a reply back after initial inquiry should be when the provider places an ad that she is available so as to not to set those expectations too high.
10-15 minutes...maybe 20 tops is an acceptable time frame. But like txboi and Tin Man said, an hour or longer because they have to drive to the place and then freshen up is a little mood killing. Originally Posted by ShakenandCold
Better that than the alternative, IMHO. I would rather see a provider who is freshly showered and clean as opposed to one with guys in and out like a revolving door.

Plus I think you also have to consider that you may not be the only one contacting her at that particular time. There may have been another guy who contacted her, say an hour earlier than you and she may, in fact, be actually busy with that client at the time your message comes through. Would you expect her to interrupt that session to answer your message?

Just sayin... But if I message a provider advertising that, I take those things into consideration, as well as it might be possible she's currently driving to the incall location in anticipation of responses, or possibly in the shower, etc. I wouldn't expect her to pull the car over to answer, or text me while driving. I would expect some type of acknowledgement within 2-4 hours.