shinblade's Avatar
Looking for a recommendation for massage, AMP or not, where the girl is willing to undress at the start rather than half an hour in. I hate being the only person in the room who is naked, and the massage itself is much more of a turn on if the masseuse is nude.
naughty4u1976's Avatar
As a defensive measure
most AMP ladies stay
clothed during the massage.

This is to appear legit
just in case the cops
show up unannounced.

This is why many ladies
Wear their dress around
their midsection during

Try going to an amp
during slow times,
with a girl you have
chemistry with and
offer her more money
to give you a nude

The ladies get called
out of the room quite
a bit.

If you can arrange
to meet a girl before
or after hours when the
doors are locked, you
have really good odds of
getting that nude massage.
RadioHam's Avatar
MrTex1959's Avatar