World's perspective on Trump

eyecu2's Avatar
This is how DEMs and the rest of the world view Trump. Btw it won't come as a shock to our RedHat friends.

... Because with Trump on - those in the other countrys
will need to pay their fair share - or no more money
from America... We already know Ukraine doesn't want
Trump - because Trump will shut off the seemingly UNLIMITED
"war" money $$$$ from the U.S... And of course Iran also
don't want Trump on - no more money from soft Biden and Kamala.

#### Salty
eyecu2's Avatar
Did you even listen to the video??

It had ZERO to do with money.

It was what the rest of the world thinks of Trump as a person.

Not about his monetary policies. Please try to stay on topic Sir
chizzy's Avatar
Who gives a fuck what they think of him...most likely he scares the fuck out of them

Lets see... obama president, russia invades crimea
Trump as president....russia does nothing

Old joe and on her knees harris run the country..... ukraine is invaded

Trump is president....nato countries have to pay more for our help
Biden president...100s of billions to ukraine and lets not forget iran

Trump president. Several muslim nations sign a peace and work with accord with israel

Harris and biden..... israel is attacked and all hell is breaking loose

I dont think your stupid eye, not at all. But i do think u qould support a roadkill for president as would several others on here before trump.......
bambino's Avatar
Trump’s GESARA Activation Sparks Panic: $35 Trillion Debt Trap Set by Global Elites, Largest Wealth Transfer Looms — Cyberattacks and Economic Collapse Engineered as Distraction — Walmart, Target, Home Depot Store Closures Signal Deep State Desperation!

We are living in a rigged system. The global elites are pushing us towards total collapse. The economy, the middle class, retail theft—it’s all part of their plan to strip away our freedoms, our money, and our future.

The U.S. debt is exploding, reaching $35 trillion. Another $1 trillion is being added every 100 days. This is no mistake—it's a calculated effort to destabilize America and enslave its citizens with endless debt. The global elites want the U.S. to fall, and they know who their greatest enemy is: Donald J. Trump.

They’ve attacked Trump through fake impeachments, media campaigns, and assassination attempts because he stands in the way of their plan. Trump holds the key to the greatest financial reset in history—GESARA.

GESARA is the global solution that will destroy the corrupt banking systems enslaving us. Trump knows it, and that’s why the Deep State is panicking. They don’t want the public to learn about this game-changing financial reset. But guess what? It’s already happening. Russia, China, and the BRICS nations are moving to a new financial system that will destroy the U.S. dollar and its dominance in global trade.

In September 2024, the BRICS summit revealed plans for a gold-backed currency system, exactly what GESARA promises. The Federal Reserve and the IMF are in deep panic as the global elites scramble to maintain control. They’ve unleashed cyberattacks on energy grids and created chaos to push us into accepting a global digital currency. But Trump’s GESARA is standing in their way.

The Federal Reserve is losing control over interest rates and the economy. Their last-ditch effort to raise rates is failing as the dollar collapses. The Deep State knows that once GESARA is activated, their power is finished. The Federal Reserve’s assets will be seized, and trillions of dollars stolen from the American people will be returned.

They are desperately trying to distract you with store closures and retail theft, but this is the system imploding. Trump has been planning this for years, signing executive orders during his first term that laid the foundation for GESARA’s full implementation. He hinted at this during a closed-door speech on September 15, 2024, talking about the coming financial storm.

Trump is not out of power. The constant attacks on him prove that they are terrified of what he represents. They know that once GESARA flips the switch, it will lead to the greatest wealth transfer in human history. Their days of control will be over.

The dollar is dying, and the global elites know it. Banks are collapsing, the system is crumbling, and they’re running out of time. GESARA is here, waiting in the background, ready to be fully activated. When it does, everything will change. The Deep State will fall, and Trump will lead the charge.

Prepare. The greatest wealth transfer in history is about to happen, and they can’t stop it.

The Great Awakening begins.

This is why the Elites hate Trump