What to do on a Wednesday night?

Fancyinheels's Avatar
Okay, I'm actually BORED tonight, a rare occurrence. Feeling restless, would like to hear some music, haven't been out midweek in forever but thinking about going all by my not-so-little self. Suggestions? (Be nice. I've been to Hell.) Another thread said Chayns off FM 1960 West (my area) might be a decent place. Anywhere else?
Ms. Athena's Avatar
Not sure if Chayns is open on Wed. They are the best on Sat nights. I was actually thinking The Mystery Zone myself............Yum! Wanna join?
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Damn, when did you bulk up, Athena? Girls should not do steroids.

Chayns is open tonight. I just wanted to do a little dancing. My, goodness, Mystery Zone would require me to dress much more....immodest. I'd have to get out the kinky underwear. I don't have a membership there anymore, either, and don't all the guys there come with significant others?
DallasRain's Avatar
wish i was in town! yall have some naughty fun for me!!
pyramider's Avatar
Watch Southpark and then rub one out.
DallasRain's Avatar
I just got thru watching South Park.....
{but i did not rub one out.........yet}

Fancyinheels's Avatar
May have to head to the Concert Pub or Mystery Zone. This place is dead. Wish you and Athena were here, Dallas.
if I had not wrenched my back with yard work I would say we meet up at a Pub but I can hardly move my upper body
Damn Nicole and Dee together I just know the devil will pay the bill.
Would love to hear some live music tonite..any reccomendations ? otherwise its me and my toy and a glass of wine..
Ms. Athena's Avatar
Fancy, Wed and Fri they allow single males and there are plenty to pick from for YOUR entertainment..........lol. Dancing, flirty and fucking if you choose........naughty panties or none........And Single Female membership is just 20 for the year and your in free every night.......BYOB and free set ups..........Id love to meet you there, maybe a 3some when Dallas gets to town would be fun fun fun.............
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I was messaging from my phone last night, so no green type. I stayed and it got better, more people arrived, I danced with some brave fellows who weren't afraid of a 6 ft 3 woman (I was wearing the LOW heels last night) even though their noses were level with my jiggling boobs. (Hmmm, you don't suppose that was intentional?) It was an older crowd, and for a while I was the youngest, best looking chick there! Dammit, then the rest of the women arrived. Evidently Wednesday is Ladies Night, top ten dance mix music and a "Diva" contest where the winner gets $200 for strutting her stuff for audience applause. (No, I didn't enter because I promised to scream for someone else). Thursday is Salsa Night with free lessons, so who knows, maybe I'll get my rumba on. Friday has the dance mix again, and Saturday gets classic rock tossed in.

Sorry, Spirit, to hear about you back, poor baby. Wish I could kiss it and make it better. (Although I think you might want another body part kissed.)

I would LOVE to share a "cocktail" with you sometime, Dallas. (Tuscon, just watching would cause your heart to explode, darling.) Athena, now that I know the details, I think I would like to join you some Wednesday or Friday at the Mystery Zone, thank you! I'll get out my "hoochie mama" outfit, or should I go faux-dom with the thigh-high 5-inch boots?
DallasRain's Avatar
I would not advise Mystery Zone{just my observation....no offense to you Ms A....you are a great hostess and sexy as hell too.....maybe if you had been feeling good,we could have showed them "how to do it"......lol}

The night that I went and encountered a clicquish group of boring people.....nobody even got half nekkid!

At the club I go to in Nola,most women are nekkid or at least half nekkid by midnite and the rooms upstairs are full of frolicking!

{I could not even find any single guys at the bar that enticed me enough to give it away!}

Maybe it is a nice fun club,but that night it was not.
txjohn8's Avatar
What would you recommend for Thursday night?
Maybe in the south west area oh Houston.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I would not advise Mystery Zone{just my observation....no offense to you Ms A}
I went and encountered a clicquish group of boring people.....nobody even got half nekkid!

Maybe it is a nice fun club,but that night it was not.............At the club I go to in Nola,most women are nekkid or at least half nekkid by midnite and the rooms upstairs are full of frolicking! Originally Posted by DallasRain
I actually went there a handful of times a few years back as "research" in my provider "apprenticeship." (Wanted to see if I could "frolic" with strangers. Evidently I could, 'cause here I am!) There were a lot of nearly nekkid ladies dancing, and shhhhh, what I did in the back rooms STAYS in the back rooms. Every place has an off period. Chayns had been pretty slow all week, according to the bartender, and gosh, my whole week has been dead. No one wants to have fun or what? Oh, wait, TAX TIME. Everybody's sweating Monday. I better get on MY taxes. Oh, fun.