Let's make it easy for the gents to decide who they want to see

sofiaofhouston's Avatar
There is a market for everyone. So ladies please post your height, weight and measurements so the gents can know. It makes it easier than going to your profiles and may bringyou some clients. Go for it.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 05-16-2012, 09:01 PM
These measurements are sure to be accurate. Just like when you ask a guy how tall he is you get the truth. Girls don't lie about things like that.

You know what would be better is a pic date stamped. Or at least todays news paper.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
I want to see a piece of cardboard in the pic with a date and MONKEY PAW on it.

pyramider's Avatar

Run the photos thru tineye and see how many hits.