Toddlers and tiaras

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
So, one night I'm flipping through the channels. At this point I see two whack-o bitches in their 30-40's arguing about something. So I hang out on the channel to see what's going on.

This was my first introduction to toddlers and tiaras.

As I watched it, I wasn't engrossed in the show, but grossed out.

Call me old fashioned, but I found this to be one of the most disgusting shows I've ever seen. How can these mothers sell out their young daughters in this manner?

I just found it fucking sickening.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 05-25-2012, 09:18 AM
Yeah I feel the same. It's just putting the little girls out there like steak for the Chesters who make up the audience. Feel worse for the boys they raise into homosexuals dressing them up like that.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Um, I know boys who dressed up like girls and stayed straight, and boys who dress up NOW in ladies lingerie and are straight, but we won't get into the Gay-enviromental-vs-genetics debate.

I agree. Those Tot/Tiara mom's should be ASHAMED of what they put their daughters through. Enough to make them turn into dykes.
During high school I dated a girl that did pageants from the time she was a toddler. Of course, her mother pushed her into this, but it eventually became a way of life for her. It was one pageant after another. I always thought it was funny that they justified the pageants by saying that they were doing it for the scholarship money. When she was preparing for the Miss Texas pageant, every outfit she took to the pageant was custom made. The mom spent 12 thousand dollars on the outfits. And this was in 1978 dollars. Do you know how much college 12 thousand dollars would have paid for back in 1978, and that was just for one pageant. I graduated from Lamar and I’m pretty sure 12 grand would have paid for my entire degree and at least half the beer I drank while attending school.
How come most of the Moms are big fat hogs?

Wanna bet that the walls in the mens bathroom are sticky?

Bunch of sick fucks.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 05-25-2012, 12:56 PM
Um, I know boys who dressed up like girls and stayed straight, and boys who dress up NOW in ladies lingerie and are straight, but we won't get into the Gay-enviromental-vs-genetics debate.

I agree. Those Tot/Tiara mom's should be ASHAMED of what they put their daughters through. Enough to make them turn into dykes.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Gotta say they aren't 100% right there. They may be just a six pack away.