Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste... AOC Says the Federal Reserve's Short-Term Liquidity Injection Justifies Blanket Forgiveness of All Student Loan Debt!

lustylad's Avatar
So is she really this stupid? Or just being a disingenuous fake populist seeking to exploit the fact that most people don't understand the difference between an overnight, self-liquidating extension of credit and a handout that adds to the national debt?

Unlike wtf, AOC does have an undergrad economics degree from U. MASS - for whatever that's worth. Their econ faculty is grossly over-weighted with openly Marxist professors.

Can the guvmint please pay off everyone's credit card debt while they're at it?

How about paying off everyone's mortgages too?

And why can't we just mail everyone in the USA an UNCLE SAM CREDIT CARD at 0% interest, no minimum monthly payment, and no credit limit?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
so she wants to get rid of her 19,000 student loan .. while making 174k a year. Okay ...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez made a payment towards her student loan debt during a committee meeting and called on Congress to take swift action on the issue.

“I literally made a student loan payment while I was sitting here at this chair, and I looked at my balance and it was $20,237.16 (£16,410.62),” the New York Democrat said at a meeting of the financial services committee focusing on student debt.

“I just made a payment that took me down to $19,000 (£15,412),” she added, “so I feel really accomplished right now.”

Ms Ocasio-Cortez, the youngest woman ever elected to serve in the US House of Representatives, is one of 68 members of Congress with outstanding student loan debt, according to a Roll Call report published in March. Her total debt is lower than that of the Congressional average, which reportedly stands at $37,000 (£30,013).

The problem is even greater outside the halls of Congress. More than 42 million Americans are burdened by student loan debt, which has amounted to a staggering total of $1.5tn (£1.23tn) nationwide. It takes most students anywhere from 10 to 30 years to finish paying off their debt, and the national average per person stands at $31,172 (£25,292).
Liberals don't know the difference between a right and an obligation. You have a right to an Education but you also have an obligation to pay for it.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Just goes to show this administration is headstrong against the making America better. In bed with Wall Street. Not Main Street.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Just goes to show this administration is headstrong against the making America better. In bed with Wall Street. Not Main Street. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

just goes to show what a socialist stooge you are. do you really think AOCunt making 174k a year can't pay on 19,000 of student loan debt? what will you want next? buy a car for 19,000 and have the Government pay it off for you?

what about the millions who borrowed to go to college and paid off their debts? do they get a refund? where is my 20k refund?

are you really that stupid to think that if everything is free no one pays for it??

eccieuser9500's Avatar
just goes to show what a socialist stooge you are. do you really think AOCunt making 174k a year can't pay on 19,000 of student loan debt? what will you want next? buy a car for 19,000 and have the Government pay it off for you?

what about the millions who borrowed to go to college and paid off their debts? do they get a refund? where is my 20k refund?

are you really that stupid to think that if everything is free no one pays for it?? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

How wiping out $1.5 trillion in student debt would boost the economy

The Great Recession’s role

At the same time, other factors were putting student debt at top of mind for more politicians and voters. The financial challenges that prompted Occupy Wall Street were making the economics of higher education untenable for many families.

At the beginning of 2008, before the fall of Lehman Brothers, the country’s outstanding student debt stood at about $580 billion, according to data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Now it’s considerably more than double that — about $1.5 trillion.

Just goes to show this administration is headstrong against the making America better. In bed with Wall Street. Not Main Street. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Seeking higher education isn't about "Wall Street" or "Main Street" It's about ones personal endeavors and taking responsibility for ones self.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
How wiping out $1.5 trillion in student debt would boost the economy

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

what a maroon you are. first, the person quoted in uberlib Berman's article .. more on that liberal sack of shit later .. Nathan Hornes went to Corinthian Colleges which went out of business. and was investigated for fraudulent behavior. they were lucky they had accreditation, but that does not mean that those degrees were accepted by major universities meaning an associate degree primarily in vocational fields got you nothing in terms of continuing education.

here's the WIKI link .. and guess who pops up .. Kammy Harris!!! yous can't make this shit up ... even on WIKIPEDIA bahhaaaaaa

Corinthian Colleges faced numerous investigations and lawsuits, including a federal criminal investigation.[7] California Attorney General Kamala Harris alleged that Corinthian Colleges targeted single parents living close to the poverty level, a demographic that its internal documents described as "composed of 'isolated,' 'impatient,' individuals with 'low self-esteem,' who have 'few people in their lives who care about them' and who are 'stuck' and 'unable to see and plan well for future,' through aggressive and persistent internet and telemarketing campaigns and through television ads on daytime shows like Jerry Springer and Maury Povich."[8]

On July 3, 2014, Corinthian Colleges agreed to execute a controlled shutdown of twelve schools and sell off eighty-five other schools.[9][10][9][10] On 19 February 2015, the government of Ontario suspended the company's operation license, resulting in the immediate closure of all Canadian campuses.[citation needed]

In February 2015, the nonprofit Educational Credit Management Corporation took ownership of more than half of Corinthian Colleges campuses, agreeing to forgive student debt on Corinthian College's Genesis loans.[11][12]

On April 26, 2015, Corinthian Colleges announced that they would cease operations at all remaining locations effective April 27, a move affecting more than sixteen thousand students and employees.[13]

On May 4, 2015, Corinthian filed for bankruptcy in Delaware.[14][15]

basing your case on a votech college that did not have the highest level accreditation to transfer over to colleges and universities that also when bankrupt leaving students no credits to apply elsewhere is not a case for forgiving student loan debt across the board.

are you saying someone who goes to the University of Texas for example .. should have their student debt wiped out? sure!! okay. BAHHAA

oh it gets better! this uberlib bitch Jillian Berman? guess what? she's studying at Columbia .. wait for it .. on a 60k FELLOWSHIP.

she is a grad of the University of Michigan. i'm betting her PARENTS PAID FOR IT. doesn't say.

Columbia Announces 2019-2020 Knight-Bagehot Fellows

In its 44th year, the program is the largest and the most rigorous mid-career journalism fellowship in the world with 400 graduates
The Knight-Bagehot Fellowship in Business and Economics at the Columbia Journalism School announced today ten Knight-Bagehot Fellows for the 2019-2020 academic year. They come from top media publications and their work has been published in Bloomberg, MarketWatch, Quartz, Politico, Mother Jones, BBC, Africa Report, The Washington Post, Reuters, and The Journal News in White Plains.

“These Fellows reflect what was one of the most globally competitive and diverse applicant pools the Bagehot program has seen in its 44 years,” said Raju Narisetti, professor of professional practice and director of the program. “When they graduate in 2020 with a much deeper understanding of business, economics, technology and public policy, they will join 400 other Knight Bagehot alums living up to the mission of providing better context and understanding to their audiences globally.”

The mid-career journalism fellowships provide full tuition and a living stipend of $60,000 for experienced journalists to take graduate courses at Columbia University, primarily at Columbia's Schools of Business and Journalism. Fellows also attend special seminars at the Journalism School, led by seasoned journalists, media business executives and a broad range of tech, finance and economics experts during the nine-month program, which begins in August.

This year’s fellows are:

Jillian Berman, 29, is a reporter at MarketWatch, where she covers student debt and higher education. Her reporting on America's $1.5 trillion student loan problem has been recognized as a Gerald Loeb awards finalist and as a winner of the Education Writers Association's National Awards for Education Reporting. In 2017, she also received the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing's Larry Birger award, which honors business journalists under 30. Prior to MarketWatch, Jillian covered retail and food companies as well as workplace diversity for HuffPost. Her work has also appeared in The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg and USA Today. She is a graduate of the University of Michigan, where she was the news editor at the campus paper, The Michigan Daily.

you really need to think things through and do some research before you just paste in some liberal bullshit diatribe that "supports" your socialist idiocy

eccieuser9500's Avatar
what a maroon you are.

here's the WIKI link ..
yous can't make this shit up ... even on WIKIPEDIA bahhaaaaaa

you really need to think things through and do some research before you just paste in some liberal bullshit diatribe that "supports" your socialist idiocy Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Wikipedia. Right. Sure.

Can't you find a better reference source other than a site open to worldwide manipulation? Apparently not.

And why wouldn't I post literature that support my views? Moron. Did you try to discredit the substance of the piece? Or just the author?

Bring up schools that went out of business?

BlisswithKriss's Avatar
So is she really this stupid? Or just being a disingenuous fake populist seeking to exploit the fact that most people don't understand the difference between an overnight, self-liquidating extension of credit and a handout that adds to the national debt?

Unlike wtf, AOC does have an undergrad economics degree from U. MASS - for whatever that's worth. Their econ faculty is grossly over-weighted with openly Marxist professors.

Can the guvmint please pay off everyone's credit card debt while they're at it?

How about paying off everyone's mortgages too?

And why can't we just mail everyone in the USA an UNCLE SAM CREDIT CARD at 0% interest, no minimum monthly payment, and no credit limit?

Originally Posted by lustylad
So I guess you Trump sheep like to have a go at AOC and her so called Socialist programs but on the flip side you’re not going to get Trump to admit that there’s an even bigger handout of cash to huge corporations excess of $110 billion per yr. that’s billed to you, the tax payer.
It’s called Corporate Welfare and here are the most well known recipients
Walmart.....$6 billion per yr.
Nike.......$2.03 billion
Royal Dutch shell.......$2.04 billion.
Fiat Chrysler ........$2.06 billion.
Ford ...........$2.52 billion.
GM..........$3.58 billion.
Intel...........$3.87 billion..
Alcoa..........$5.64 billion.
Boeing.......$13.18 billion.
But of course if you don’t know about this then you’re not paying attention are you.
And you all bitch about socialism....well what the hell do you think this is then...scotch mist ?
Chung Tran's Avatar
you guys use the red herring AOC loan forgiveness angle, hoping we won't realize the FED just cut rates to ZERO, which is free money to big business. how is that "better" than AOC's suggestion?

what about Trump's plan to slash payroll taxes.. isn't that free money too?

you guys have trouble meeting truth head on. anything to avoid saying anything bad about your KING
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Wikipedia. Right. Sure.

Can't you find a better reference source other than a site open to worldwide manipulation? Apparently not.

And why wouldn't I post literature that support my views? Moron. Did you try to discredit the substance of the piece? Or just the author?

Bring up schools that went out of business?

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

i did both. can you read? i said do you think someone who goes to UT should have their student debt forgiven?

the author picked a poor example which i proved as such and she's a liberal freeloader who probably got her education at UM paid for by mommy and daddy, had no student debt because of it then gets a 60k fellowship to Columbia .. a free ride.

and this cunt advocates for forgiving student debt? let's see this dumbtard cunt buy a car for free.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
you guys use the red herring AOC loan forgiveness angle, hoping we won't realize the FED just cut rates to ZERO, which is free money to big business. how is that "better" than AOC's suggestion?

what about Trump's plan to slash payroll taxes.. isn't that free money too?

you guys have trouble meeting truth head on. anything to avoid saying anything bad about your KING Originally Posted by Chung Tran
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
you guys use the red herring AOC loan forgiveness angle, hoping we won't realize the FED just cut rates to ZERO, which is free money to big business. how is that "better" than AOC's suggestion?

what about Trump's plan to slash payroll taxes.. isn't that free money too?

you guys have trouble meeting truth head on. anything to avoid saying anything bad about your KING Originally Posted by Chung Tran

and why not? those stinky chinks and their shithole live animal markets caused a global issue, covered it up for two months while it spread, causing massive financial impact for the world including themselves and we just let the economy go to shit over it?

you act like the rates are being cut for no good reason. if not for them chinks do yous really think this would be needed?

what an idiot you are. aren't you the moron who says on the one hand the fed debt doesn't matter then blabber like a loon over Trump's so-called huge debt run up which isn't happening?

and deny yer god queer Obama ran up 9 TRILLION? but that's okay .. it doesn't matter unless it's Trump, right?

did you watch the debate tonight? i did for the first hour to get a laugh then switched to "The Walking Dead". spoiler alert ... NEGAN KILLS ALPHA!

eccieuser9500's Avatar
i did both. can you read? i said do you think someone who goes to UT should have their student debt forgiven?

the author picked a poor example which i proved as such and she's a liberal freeloader who probably got her education at UM paid for by mommy and daddy, had no student debt because of it then gets a 60k fellowship to Columbia .. a free ride.

and this cunt advocates for forgiving student debt? let's see this dumbtard cunt buy a car for free.

IDIOT Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Businesses will now be able to get money from me and I won't get it back.

I want the same deal to buy a car.

You "discredit" her based on what you think probably happened?