Are the LURKERS here?

Over and over providers said how important ASPD lurkers were to their business.

My question is: Are the lurkers here? On Eccie? Did they get the word and make the migration?

By the time ASPD folded, I was pretty well prepared to contact members and help them find this board. To that end I had already collected email addresses and sent hundreds of ASPD and Eccie PM's.

Unfortunately, lurkers being lurkers, I didn't / don't know who they are so couldn't contact them!

So I guess this for our providers to answer?
DallasRain's Avatar
good question!

I hope they are - cause lurkers are alot of my!
Lurkers are on every board/every forum. always have been always will be.. but knowing they are here helps you how? lol

there was and still is far more lurkers that keep girls busy then guys posting all the time.. just like the guys that post constantly knew to find the site..lurkers READING knew to find this site too
kindafun's Avatar
I am a lurker who tries to stay utr as much as possible. I do have a new handle though as my aspd handle hit a little too close to home. Among the local girls I have seen are Britt Baye, Nikki Tylor, Mary Kate, Julinka, Kennedy, London Rayne and DebAnn before she retired. I do plan to post more on this board because my new handle is more anonymous.
I am a lurker who tries to stay utr as much as possible. I do have a new handle though as my aspd handle hit a little too close to home. Among the local girls I have seen are Britt Baye, Nikki Tylor, Mary Kate, Julinka, Kennedy, London Rayne and DebAnn before she retired. I do plan to post more on this board because my new handle is more anonymous. Originally Posted by kindafun
Thanks for chiming in. As a matter of interest, how did you find out about Eccie? Did you receive an invitation or were you able to just come in and register?

BTW - that is an impressive list of talent!

Glad to have you here, kindafun
DallasRain's Avatar
I have been sending invites to this site to my client friends...and also sent info about it thru my yahoo group

some lurkers will head to backpage,some came here,some went elsewhere...but the majority most likely cruise ALL the sites to see what each has to offer.Lurkers are a BIG part of my business,so as long as they go to a board I am a part of,thats awesome!

kindafun's Avatar
Thanks for chiming in. As a matter of interest, how did you find out about Eccie? Did you receive an invitation or were you able to just come in and register?

BTW - that is an impressive list of talent!

Glad to have you here, kindafun Originally Posted by SeaDog
I think I received an invitation to the email I used on ASPD. Or, I may have just read it in a thread on ASPD. Sorry I couldn't be more specific Seadog. My memory is not as good as it used to be.
cajundude11's Avatar
I guess I'm a lurker because I've been around for a few years and don't post that much...hardly ever, really. I prefer to stay utr and away from drama. I had been considering posting a little more here...but I see that the drama remains, so I'll just keep in the shadows. I was pointed to eccie by a couple of people and saw info about it on ASPD before the plug was pulled.
Bababoeuy's Avatar
I'm in lurker mode. However I will post an 'alert' if I come across a problem/bad situation with a provider that I see.
I'm in lurker mode. However I will post an 'alert' if I come across a problem/bad situation with a provider that I see. Originally Posted by Bababoeuy
And here I was thinkin' you'd died and gone to elf heaven!

Actually, Baba, wasn't is you that coined the term "elf" in the first place?
Bababoeuy's Avatar
Yes I'm responsible for both naming the girls 'elfs' and coming up with the nickname Santa. LoL
kindafun's Avatar

I don't l like it when you don't post. You are one of the guys I have depended on for intell in the 5 years I have been in the hobby. It's veteran dawgs that are needed on this new site more than ever.
Indiana Bone's Avatar

I don't l like it when you don't post. You are one of the guys I have depended on for intell in the 5 years I have been in the hobby. It's veteran dawgs that are needed on this new site more than ever. Originally Posted by kindafun
I'm with him please don't stop posting your recon is invaluable to all of us. IB
I'm with him please don't stop posting your recon is invaluable to all of us. IB Originally Posted by Indiana Bone
Hey Baba! What they said.
I have been a lurker for quite some time too. I didnt post very much on ASPD but have gotten alot of info from quite a few of the old dawgs on there. Since I havent partaken in the hobby for a few months, I decided to send out a " Hi, How Ya Doin" and "When will you be coming back?" to our favorite little Tx Tornado KLN. She is the one that pointed me here.

Im hoping that I can get going back in this hobby we love so much and share as much info as possible.