In 1992 the left followed this lead...

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President George H.W. Bush was amazed at a grocery store scanner. This was a man who had spent the last 12 years as vice president and president, preceeded by years as head of the CIA, ambassador to China, a congressman, and a sucessful businessman but the left attacked him for "not understanding technology".
Hillary Clinton gave a news conference were she said that she only had one electronic device so she could only have ONE email address. Turns out she lied about the number of devices (4) but she believes that every email address needs it's own device? She also said that her server had a secret service agent nearby 24/7 so it could not be compromised??? This is a woman who is really out of touch with technology (if she believe this) or reality (if she thinks we buy this).

I'm sure that some of you probably excoriated Bush publicly because you were told to by the democratic party. Now you have to go after Hillary for the same reason.
Hillary has never been a credible liar. She continues talking and gives away too many conflicting details. Bill and her staff undermines Hillary's stories too, my guess, unwittingly. But Hillary has been playing the "victim woman" card for so long she thinks she can get away with it. The media refuses to cover for her this time and the DNC has noted it appropriately.

Bill isn't credible either but people want to believe him. Big difference.
I heard that valerie Jarrett at the behest of Obama is behind the leak of of Hillary's email problem

and that obama's minions are combing through every expense report Hillary ever filed in an effort to leak anything they can to keep her out of the white house

Obama wants his "legacy" to continue and hillary isn't left wing enough to follow his majesty
I don't HAVE to do shit.
The Obamas hate The Clintons almost as much as The Clintons hate The Obamas.
I heard that valerie Jarrett at the behest of Obama is behind the leak of of Hillary's email problem

and that obama's minions are combing through every expense report Hillary ever filed in an effort to leak anything they can to keep her out of the white house

Obama wants his "legacy" to continue and hillary isn't left wing enough to follow his majesty Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
You HEARD? Wow, that's some powerful shit right there. Stop the motherfucking presses everyone. He HEARD some shit. This is how bullshit gets started and passed around.
I heard that valerie Jarrett at the behest of Obama is behind the leak of of Hillary's email problem

and that obama's minions are combing through every expense report Hillary ever filed in an effort to leak anything they can to keep her out of the white house

Obama wants his "legacy" to continue and hillary isn't left wing enough to follow his majesty Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Who could carry on the anointed one's legacy? Warren? Bernie Sanders? It's a dangerous cult of personality.
Sadly, I think this is going to do her in...
Sadly, I think this is going to do her in... Originally Posted by nwarounder
I wouldn't bet on it. Those Clintons have 9 motherfucking lives.