Well, well, well - it's time for a brief FACTUAL interlude into hate, bigotry and Dallas' penchant for harboring Rat-Wang-WangNuts. To those of us who were around then and remember seeing the John Birch Society billboards on I-35 and Central Expressway, this is no big news. Texas, and Dallas in particular, has always been hard right in the "never let facts get in the way of our ideas" kind of way.
If you read the article, the titles of the letters to the editor of the DMN sound like something penned here by one of the cadre of Teawipe Idiots. And, even more on point, is the probability that they contained about as much fact and truth as does the drizzle of their modern day descendants, i.e. none.
Read it and weep, Shitheads:
Oh, and just for the hell of it on a Friday afternoon: GO FUCK YOURSELF, TRENDAWAY, you are a laughingstock.