Earth Day activity innuendos

algrace's Avatar
A lawn & garden store took great care to pass out saplings to each patron. As I was gathering mulch bags to the counter for checkout, the cashier allowed me to make a selection. I laid it over the mulch bags & soon another customer passed by, saw it & exclaimed, "Mine's bigger!" as he proudly held his pointing to the sky.

Neighbor had his sprinklers on this morning as I left for work. This evening I commented, "Lawn is a nice green." He replied, "She took every drop, just like a champ."

Did you plant a tree today? Trim & edge your grass? Volunteer for park cleanup? Lay down sod? Thank your arborist? Tip your landscaper?
woody4eroticfun's Avatar
Lmao, I prefer to celebrate earth day by trimming some bushes and planting some hard wood 😆
Earth day my ass! John Denver was a punk!
Seriously though. I'm just a kid around here, so earth day has always been a thing. But, the traits we practice on ED werd ingrained in my generation as kids, making every day, earth day.
DallasRain's Avatar
I did my part...I planted wildflowers in my yard....put up 3 birdfeeders and 2 birdbaths,AND made a gnome garden in my front yard!
Every morning,I sit on the porch and watch the birds enjoy my efforts! It is so peaceful!!!