Scum Bucket Trump Used $10 Million of Donor Money to Pay His Personal Legal Bills

Cody69's Avatar
Scum Bucket Trump Used $10 Million of Donor Money to Pay His Personal Legal Bills. What next take donor money from the Police K-9 fund like Rep. George Santos.

He is by far the worst piece of shit you could ever imagine. Both of those crocked Republications Scum Bucket Trump and Rep. George Santos the other piece of shit.. Republican Party has gone down hill to the very bottom. They are so low they will have to get a periscope to see day light.

I understand why you guys beat up on Biden like you do and make up stories about him everyday. You have to have a good offense because you don't have any defense when you are defending that piece of shit.

Trump is by far the worst president we have ever had. The things he has done since he started in Politics is unreal.

Don't worry, you guys will make up more stories of a president that is actually doing something for the people so the Scum Bucket Trump can keep doing what he is doing. Maybe he can get some more guards killed when he runs and loses for the third time. You guys remember when they voted for Trump and Biden got the votes. LOL

Maybe both of the lumps can join what they have learned with lying and both of them could be on the ticket for president. You guys would vote for them.

Trump Used $10 Million of Donor Money to Pay His Personal Legal Bills (
Someone has a SERIOUS case of TDS!! Guess you haven’t noticed how Biden is putting the country down the drain??
bambino's Avatar
Trump can find $10 mill in his couch cushions at Mara Lago.

Would you have prefered he gave it to the Ukraine?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Maybe they should stop trying, and failing, to convict him of ridiculous charges.

Oddly, the article doesn’t mention the fact that using political donations for lawyers is in no way illegal, only that a declared candidate shouldn’t. Looks like the millionth or so nothingburger.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Maybe they should stop trying, and failing, to convict him of ridiculous charges.

Oddly, the article doesn’t mention the fact that using political donations for lawyers is in no way illegal, only that a declared candidate shouldn’t. Looks like the millionth or so nothingburger. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme



and in other news about the topic ....

Defense Fund Is Set Up to Help Pay Clintons’ Legal Bills : Presidency: Aides say the call for donations is distasteful but necessary. Lawyers’ charges could ring up as much as $2 million a year.

Paying Clinton’s Bills

Cody69's Avatar
Kill all the innocent people in Ukraine. That makes a lot sense. Maybe they can blame Dr Fauci or Biden or Obama or even Jimmy Carter. You guys don't make sense. Let Russia start picking off one country at a time and nothing will ever happen to us right? That what the Republicans let happen when Reagan was in office, move one factory at a time to China or any other third world nation.

That Money they are spending to help out Ukraine should be used to give another tax break for the rich so they can move more factories over to China like they did when Trump was in office. That way he can stand in front of an old broken down steel mill and say he is going to open it back up when he is reelected, LOL.

When Scum Bucket Trump was in office we had 10% unemployment over here and couldn’t even get computer chips to make cars or appliances because Trump was getting paid off from China to keep the work over there. Remember???

Let’s not say a word of Trump giving the rich a $1.9 Trillion dollar tax break. Don't miss understand me, anyone that thinks it is okay to let Russia kill all the people in a country to take it over has a problem.

You guys don't care about the money, you guys never ever said a word of the $1.9 trillion dollar tax break Trump signed. You stuck up for that piece of shit and let your country move out of here one factory at a time. Don’t go off of what Trump says he did, go off of what he did. Half a million people from the USA died because Trump said Covid19 was another hoax. Remember? Half a Million dead and None of you guys said a word. Nothing. Crickets.
Dr-epg's Avatar
Gentlemen let’s keep all comments on the threads subject please
Jacuzzme's Avatar
but but but TRUUUUUUUUMP BAD!!! *head explodes* Originally Posted by Cody69
I, for one, heaped praise on the tax cuts, like everyone else who actually pays taxes.

On topic: It appears that using campaign money for lawyers is commonplace, like the ones Hillary paid to make up the “dossier”.