When Can Just Get Along......hmmmm

I get sick of reading b**** this hoe that. How about showing some type of respect. We are all here for the same purpose.. Rather its a booty call or to make that money. Yes this is a hooker board. If you dont do fs that is cool your choice. And guys stop with the name calling too. Just because we do it different from the rw doesnt give any of you the right to disrespect us. And note to the ladies if you act like a lady maybe he will treat more like a lady. When my door closes then i can be all kinds of sluts lol. Also ladies this back biting each other stop it. You dont have to like me nor do i have to like you this is why its called business. At my rw job there are plenty i dont like but i wont talk about them behind their backs nor will i call them bitches or hoes. I will get fired. So everyone lets all try to place nice ok and stop all this high school drama. Much love SP
You're a real sweetheart, unfortunately I don't think all participants in this game have the capacity to be civil. But keep hope alive, you never know!
Duthgar1976's Avatar
true sexyplatinum im 39 years old yet even here the enviroment seems very high schoolish. always a lot of drama back and forth between the ladies and even the guys. Remember folks it takes different strokes for different folks. We can still keep each other informed about things here without all the drama.
well said SP lets all just have fun.
This place would be so boring without all the different types of people. Same with life. I love a little back and forth banter. But I'm a naturally passionate person so I can see how it might be different for others.

The inability to keep it lighthearted and not take things so seriously is when shit goes south. Been there. Done that. Got the t-shirt. Still here.

The key is to be unoffendable.
pyramider's Avatar
Embrace your taint. Taint unifies and never divides.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Hookers and tricks on here...Nope, not exactly the most sane folks on the planet to preach to about playing nice. And add in the anonymity of the internet. Good luck with that shit.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 11-24-2015, 02:35 PM
This place would be so boring without all the different types of people. Same with life. I love a little back and forth banter. But I'm a naturally passionate person so I can see how it might be different for others.

The inability to keep it lighthearted and not take things so seriously is when shit goes south. Been there. Done that. Got the t-shirt. Still here.

The key is to be unoffendable. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
You forgot that your just a bit stubborn also but that's okay

A little advice to all the ladies, show respect to others and we wouldn't need this thread to remind us how to act.

I like dirty talk bcd when I'm with a true slut, that gets me going.
ManSlut's Avatar
I'm guessing the OP isn't a fan of mine??...Lol
daddyo67's Avatar
This place would be so boring without all the different types of people. Same with life. I love a little back and forth banter. But I'm a naturally passionate person so I can see how it might be different for others.

The inability to keep it lighthearted and not take things so seriously is when shit goes south. Been there. Done that. Got the t-shirt. Still here.

The key is to be unoffendable. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
unoffendable!!! I like that Jamie!
Guest113018-1's Avatar
it's not really all that difficult. You should be able to be opinionated, speak your mind and get your point across without being a dick!!!
it's not really all that difficult. You should be able to be opinionated, speak your mind and get your point across without being a dick!!! Originally Posted by golforfish
+1 Why don't other "grown ups" see things in this light? You don't have to be rude or disrespectful to get your point across. Now... That being said, if you are already on that level with someone and BOTH of you are on the same page, then by all means... Be that internet ganster that you strive to be. If not, let's play nice boys and girls.
Hell, oddly enough, i think the majority just need to get laid. Go figure.
it's not really all that difficult. You should be able to be opinionated, speak your mind and get your point across without being a dick!!! Originally Posted by golforfish

You would think so, wouldn't ya? Folks around here are so full of themselves that it's laughable. Lots of pots calling kettles black, and people living in glass houses throwing stones. It's a hooker board for fucks sake. It's never that serious.
it's not really all that difficult. You should be able to be opinionated, speak your mind and get your point across without being a dick!!! Originally Posted by golforfish
I would be a dick if I had one. (Kermit the frog voice) damn this steak is good.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
You would think so, wouldn't ya? Folks around here are so full of themselves that it's laughable. Lots of pots calling kettles black, and people living in glass houses throwing stones. It's a hooker board for fucks sake. It's never that serious. Originally Posted by Kendall4U
Very well said. That's why you're my ATF. :-*
And it shouldn't be that serious...... It's a place to get laid! Lol