Wall to wall crises, which one is the worst?

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Lie all you want but Biden inherited a pretty stable country; North Korea was quiet, China was hiding, Putin kept his own counsel, three vaccines had been invented, the economy was roaring back, the southern border was the most quiet it had been in years, and even the left wing assholes around the country had kind of quieted down with their rioting, looting, and killing until Joe was seated upon the throne.
Now, we have wall to wall problems. You can call them crises or you can do the democrat thing and call them "challenges". They are the same thing. Life is cheaper, times are more interesting, Americans are dying, and life teeters on the brink.
Which one is the most important?
Little Monster's Avatar
The only one doing the lying here is you! The border mess started in 2018 whether you want to admit or not, but keep telling yourself otherwise. Trump inherited a strong economy and left a much weaker one, he lost jobs every year he was in office, he is the worst jobs president since Hoover.

No N.korea, China, and Russia were not quiet, they were laughing at Trump behind his back and continuing to test fire their missiles cause they knew Trump wouldn't do shit about it.
The rioting, looting, chaos was created by the far right fascist groups that is a fact get over it.

The only thing we have are far right cry baby pussies trying to blame their messes on someone else just because they can't handle the fact that Trump got his ass beat.

Keep crying.
winn dixie's Avatar
Gotta be the staggering inflation and the upcoming strikes.
On top of goods already not getting to port/stores!
All connected with the dnc's full support!

Glad ima Country Boy. I will survive!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
The only one doing the lying here is you! The border mess started in 2018 whether you want to admit or not, but keep telling yourself otherwise. Trump inherited a strong economy and left a much weaker one, he lost jobs every year he was in office, he is the worst jobs president since Hoover.

No N.korea, China, and Russia were not quiet, they were laughing at Trump behind his back and continuing to test fire their missiles cause they knew Trump wouldn't do shit about it.
The rioting, looting, chaos was created by the far right fascist groups that is a fact get over it.

The only thing we have are far right cry baby pussies trying to blame their messes on someone else just because they can't handle the fact that Trump got his ass beat.

Keep crying. Originally Posted by Little Monster

Little Monster's Avatar
When all else fails. Just lie, make shit up, blame someone else for not cleaning up your messes in order to cover up your crybaby bitch tendencies.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Sounds like Barley.
Little Monster's Avatar
Sounds like Barley. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Never mind sounding like. It is Barley!! That's all he's doing here is lying & making shit up. That's all these conservatives can do! Nothing they accuse Biden of ever holds any water.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Never mind sounding like. It is Barley!! That's all he's doing here is lying & making shit up. That's all these conservatives can do! Nothing they accuse Biden of ever holds any water. Originally Posted by Little Monster
Just following the leader.
Little Monster's Avatar
Just following the leader. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Yep. And it explains why the overwhelming bulk of his followers are uneducated.
Millions of American's chant...Let's go Brandon!!
That "Brandon" is one popular MoFo!!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Yep. And it explains why the overwhelming bulk of his followers are uneducated. Originally Posted by Little Monster
I would say credulous.
[QUOTE=winn dixie;1062620107]Gotta be the staggering inflation and the upcoming strikes.
On top of goods already not getting to port/stores!
All connected with the dnc's full support!

Glad ima Country Boy. I will survive![/QUOTE]
Most Conservative Patriots are. Yes we will survive, but pussy ass Liberals won't, they are too stupid and spoiled ass rotten. They live in a fucking ass fantasy world.
FatCity's Avatar
all these meta issues are splinters of the larger macro problem. Say what you want about the last Executive in office, he did understand the absolute vital need to secure economic leverage as the world power and standard for the Petro Dollar. He initiated a financial trade war with China, that if given time, would've secured America's dominance in the midst of retard politicians selling our future for the past forty years. That Executive put the economic parasites of Europe, Canada and abroad on notice to pull their weight/pay their share and positioned against China to starve them out.

Once the COVID fiasco hit, everything went out the window. The response to COVID is what has exacerbated every item you've listed in the poll. The ports, supply lines, mandates, DEI are all related to the overreach of EMERGENCY EXECUTIVE POWERS.

I'm sure its just a coincidence that the COVID response just happened to be the perfect storm to absolutely destroy the American economy with no hope in sight.
Little Monster's Avatar
Millions of American's chant...Let's go Brandon!!
That "Brandon" is one popular MoFo!! Originally Posted by bb1961
A few hundred Americans acting like a bunch of loud mouth sore loser, cry baby bitches. Nothing more
Little Monster's Avatar
all these meta issues are splinters of the larger macro problem. Say what you want about the last Executive in office, he did understand the absolute vital need to secure economic leverage as the world power and standard for the Petro Dollar. He initiated a financial trade war with China, that if given time, would've secured America's dominance in the midst of retard politicians selling our future for the past forty years. That Executive put the economic parasites of Europe, Canada and abroad on notice to pull their weight/pay their share and positioned against China to starve them out.

Once the COVID fiasco hit, everything went out the window. The response to COVID is what has exacerbated every item you've listed in the poll. The ports, supply lines, mandates, DEI are all related to the overreach of EMERGENCY EXECUTIVE POWERS.

I'm sure its just a coincidence that the COVID response just happened to be the perfect storm to absolutely destroy the American economy with no hope in sight. Originally Posted by FatCity

Inherited a strong economy
Lost jobs every year in office.
Left the white house with a much weaker economy than he inherited.
When it comes to the economy the Trump supporters love to blame covid, when it comes to the vaccine Trump supporters will tell you Covid is fake.

Yeah, country boy will contradict his own stupid ass and not realize it.