Biden announces aim behind Trayvon

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
On the Sunday morning shows VP Joe Biden announced that we should have a conversation about gun control because of the Trayvon shooting. This has been talked about for two weeks already. This was an attack on the NRA and concealed carry. Fast and Furious was an operation to make gun owners look bad. Biden finally tells part of the truth.
Ok retard...I'm going to use the words of persons against sensible gun restrictions...guns dont kill people...people kill people.....

Ok...George Zimmerman used a gun to defend himself...against a 14 year old kid...who he was much better defense is that....IF their was a physical altercation....George Zimmerman is such a pussy that a 14 year old was beating the shit out of him so bad....he felt the only way he would save his own life...was to pull his gun and shot the kid!?!?

The kid the when George Zimmerman called 911...and was told to stay back...he choose to ignore that request why...what the kid was going to come back later...and look at him funny....what's the reason...

Oh...and by the way...even on Fox...they showed the police surveillence video from the police station...funny...didnt look like he had a broken nose...unless he went and fixed up his nose and changed his bloody he didnt have to...he was so scared...his nose didnt bleed when broken...

Try again idiot....
Iaintliein's Avatar
Ok retard...I'm going to use the words of persons against sensible gun restrictions...guns dont kill people...people kill people.....

Ok...George Zimmerman used a gun to defend himself...against a 14 year old kid...who he was much better defense is that....IF their was a physical altercation....George Zimmerman is such a pussy that a 14 year old was beating the shit out of him so bad....he felt the only way he would save his own life...was to pull his gun and shot the kid!?!?

The kid the when George Zimmerman called 911...and was told to stay back...he choose to ignore that request why...what the kid was going to come back later...and look at him funny....what's the reason...

Oh...and by the way...even on Fox...they showed the police surveillence video from the police station...funny...didnt look like he had a broken nose...unless he went and fixed up his nose and changed his bloody he didnt have to...he was so scared...his nose didnt bleed when broken...

Try again idiot.... Originally Posted by Raa1965
You do realize, of course, that he was 17 years old ~6 ft. and that Z was treated by paramedics before going to the police station? Right? Z's story is that he was returning to his vehicle, so much for your statment about his "ignoring" the dispatcher, now doesn't it?

Any more schoolyard names you'd like to throw out since you've not been able to keep up with what's actually been reported?
joe bloe's Avatar
You do realize, of course, that he was 17 years old ~6 ft. and that Z was treated by paramedics before going to the police station? Right? Z's story is that he was returning to his vehicle, so much for your statment about his "ignoring" the dispatcher, now doesn't it?

Any more schoolyard names you'd like to throw out since you've not been able to keep up with what's actually been reported? Originally Posted by Iaintliein
I always get a kick out of clueless liberals calling people idiots while at the same time demonstrating their own idiocy.

I'm afraid the belief that Trayvon was a little child is the end result of the media constantly printing pictures of Trayvon at the age of twelve. Nothing main stream media does is an accident. They're constantly slanting just about every story to acheive some sort of political goal.

The cover story of People Magazine has a picture of twelve year old Trayvon with the headline "An American Tragedy". A criminal killed in the commision of a crime is not a tragedy. When Zimmerman killed Trayvon in self defence, a tragedy was avoided. If Trayvon had been able to pound Zimmerman's head on the concrete a couple of times more, he might have killed him. That would have been a tragedy.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Ok retard...I'm going to use the words of persons against sensible gun restrictions...guns dont kill people...people kill people.....

Ok...George Zimmerman used a gun to defend himself...against a 14 year old kid...who he was much better defense is that....IF their was a physical altercation....George Zimmerman is such a pussy that a 14 year old was beating the shit out of him so bad....he felt the only way he would save his own life...was to pull his gun and shot the kid!?!?
You have the 'details' wrong, but Iaintliein already explained your errors, so -- try again, idiot

The kid the when George Zimmerman called 911...and was told to stay back...
You do not know for a fact that he didn't stay back!!! Try again, idiot. he choose to ignore that request You do not know that!!! Try again, idiot. why...what the kid was going to come back later...and look at him funny....what's the reason...

Oh...and by the way...even on Fox...they showed the police surveillence video from the police station...funny...didnt look like he had a broken nose...unless he went and fixed up his nose and changed his bloody he didnt have to...he was so scared...his nose didnt bleed when broken...
You can make a thorough medical analysis using a grainy, surveillance video!?! Try again, idiot.

Try again idiot....And you say the MSM doesn't lie!?! Try again, idiot. Originally Posted by Raa1965
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Makes you wonder what some people do with their time when all that information is available for free. Probably out ironing his white hood and checking his ACLU membership dues have been paid.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
As the story in the link below shows, this case has demonstrated the worst of the media.

I will admit that at first, I wondered why this guy had not been arrested, but there has been so much commotion that I believe the Truth has been the second casualty in this case.
This case is a tragedy in many ways:

First, a young man is dead way before his time.

Second, the truth is dead. The public, the media and even his Highness Obama have called for Mr. Zimmerman's head before he has even been charged with a crime.

Third, the US Constitution is dead. When I took civics, I learned that a person is presumed innocent until proven guilty. It used to be the law of this land. Both Mr. Martin and Mr. Zimmerman deserve to be assumed innocent for the time being. I'm not saying either is an angel.
You do realize, of course, that he was 17 years old ~6 ft. and that Z was treated by paramedics before going to the police station? Right? Z's story is that he was returning to his vehicle, so much for your statment about his "ignoring" the dispatcher, now doesn't it?

Any more schoolyard names you'd like to throw out since you've not been able to keep up with what's actually been reported? Originally Posted by Iaintliein
Treated by the police before going to he police station....damn...they must be good...funny...most people who have their noses broken show some signs of it...even a couple days later....let alone a couple hours....
. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Right cant make that determination from a grainy surveilence tape...ok

Sooo....i'm sure the inital report filed by police of his medical condition...and any cuts...abrasions...contusions. ..will cover that right???

And his interview tape with show that better....right???

And the police report will detail the medical assistance they provided to help from his beating...will be detailed right???
Makes you wonder what some people do with their time when all that information is available for free. Probably out ironing his white hood and checking his ACLU membership dues have been paid. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Okay...I am totally baffled by that that a white in KKK???

The ACLU card carrier???? hell yes...I absolutely support the Bill of Rights...and the Constitution...
This case is a tragedy in many ways:

First, a young man is dead way before his time.

Second, the truth is dead. The public, the media and even his Highness Obama have called for Mr. Zimmerman's head before he has even been charged with a crime.

Third, the US Constitution is dead. When I took civics, I learned that a person is presumed innocent until proven guilty. It used to be the law of this land. Both Mr. Martin and Mr. Zimmerman deserve to be assumed innocent for the time being. I'm not saying either is an angel. Originally Posted by TheJudge69
Your right....we dont know yet.....

We know two things....a kid is dead of a gunshot.... was Inflicted by George Zimmerman...who at this moment is not under incarceration....

Oh...I will add one more....if Florida didnt have that law...about stand your ground...which I believe George Zimmerman's lawyer is saying int applicable....we wouldnt be having this discussion...since George Zimmerman would be in jail...awaiting the outcome of the criminal investigation....

Have I missed anything?!?!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-01-2012, 06:48 PM

Have I missed anything?!?! Originally Posted by Raa1965

Just a little patience grasshopper.

I B Hankering's Avatar
Right cant make that determination from a grainy surveilence tape...ok Correct.

Sooo....i'm sure the inital report filed by police of his medical condition...and any cuts...abrasions...contusions. ..will cover that right???
Better than your conjectures, and EMS records should also be available.

And his interview tape with show that better....right???
Better than your conjectures, and EMS records should also be available.

And the police report will detail the medical assistance they provided to help from his beating...will be detailed right???
Better than your conjectures.

At least you aren't quibbling about the MSM leading you astray as to Martin's age and height.
Originally Posted by Raa1965
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I never heard RaaRaaZipBoomBah admit that he was wrong about the height, weight, and age either.