Obama will go down as one of the greatest presidents of all time

I B Hankering's Avatar
You're quite delusional, eatbibeau, and so is anyone who thinks like you. Odumbo will be lucky to rate better than Carter, eatbibeau.

Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator calls Odumbo legacy 'awful'.

(Washington Times)
bambino's Avatar
After "W", there's no place any POTUS could go but UP.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
It isnt right to poke fun at the poor guy, he is half black, half assed, and totally worthless.
I am sure this is one of those participation trophies they give just for showing up.
It isnt right to poke fun at the poor guy, he is half black, half assed, and totally worthless.
I am sure this is one of those participation trophies they give just for showing up. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

Hell, he already got one, that stupid "Nobel Peace Prize" for doing absolutly nothing short of being the best TelePrompTer performer in politics.
It isnt right to poke fun at the poor guy, he is half black, half assed, and totally worthless.
I am sure this is one of those participation trophies they give just for showing up. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
"Honorable Mention"

  • DSK
  • 04-15-2016, 10:56 AM
Link Originally Posted by eatfibo
Laughable puff piece - guy probably wants the job writing Obama's memoirs.

He forgot to mention the huge debt he has created, which is what goosed the economy, and the massive divisiveness that has fractured the country.

Most importantly, he is a hater himself, and crams shit down people's throats like he is the fucking dictator, all the while warning that other people want to be dictators!
He forgot to mention the huge debt he has created, which is what goosed the economy, and the massive divisiveness that has fractured the country. Originally Posted by DSK
Thanks for actually posting something of substance. Everyone else, predictably, posted completely empty posts.

But, he was handed a shitty economic situation and a huge deficit. What happened? That economic situation turned mostly around (not saying the economy is perfect, but it is on pretty solid ground right now, and relative to the bulk of the rest of the world, we are doing fantastically) and the deficit has been cut by nearly 2/3rds. If the president is responsible for the debt, then that debt was clearly created by Bush, not Obama.

Most importantly, he is a hater himself, and crams shit down people's throats like he is the fucking dictator, all the while warning that other people want to be dictators!
Obama has been, for the most part, a very moderate president. He has shown a willingness to work with the other side time and time again, despite the fact that they spit in his face continually (look at the moderate appointee to the SCOTUS, he compromised off the bat, they spit in his face off the bat).

Not to say he hasn't refused to compromise himself in some situations, but this idea that he is regularly cramming things down people's throats is not reflected in reality.
Thanks for actually posting something of substance. Everyone else, predictably, posted completely empty posts.

But, he was handed a shitty economic situation and a huge deficit. What happened? That economic situation turned mostly around (not saying the economy is perfect, but it is on pretty solid ground right now, and relative to the bulk of the rest of the world, we are doing fantastically) and the deficit has been cut by nearly 2/3rds. If the president is responsible for the debt, then that debt was clearly created by Bush, not Obama.

Obama has been, for the most part, a very moderate president. He has shown a willingness to work with the other side time and time again, despite the fact that they spit in his face continually (look at the moderate appointee to the SCOTUS, he compromised off the bat, they spit in his face off the bat).

Not to say he hasn't refused to compromise himself in some situations, but this idea that he is regularly cramming things down people's throats is not reflected in reality. Originally Posted by eatfibo
Hahahaha, yeah dude he's willing to work with the other side of the aisle with a pen and phone at hand. Can you say Executive Order? Your post is nothing but a pipe dream.

bambino's Avatar
Thanks for actually posting something of substance. Everyone else, predictably, posted completely empty posts.

But, he was handed a shitty economic situation and a huge deficit. What happened? That economic situation turned mostly around (not saying the economy is perfect, but it is on pretty solid ground right now, and relative to the bulk of the rest of the world, we are doing fantastically) and the deficit has been cut by nearly 2/3rds. If the president is responsible for the debt, then that debt was clearly created by Bush, not Obama.

Obama has been, for the most part, a very moderate president. He has shown a willingness to work with the other side time and time again, despite the fact that they spit in his face continually (look at the moderate appointee to the SCOTUS, he compromised off the bat, they spit in his face off the bat).

Not to say he hasn't refused to compromise himself in some situations, but this idea that he is regularly cramming things down people's throats is not reflected in reality. Originally Posted by eatfibo
Didn't Obama say Bush's debt of 9 trillion was a crime? Then why did he double it in 8yrs?
BigLouie's Avatar
Bush doubled the debt when he was President, Clinton doubled the debt when he was President, Bush the Elder doubled the debt when was President, Reagan doubled the debt when he was President and who ever is President next will double the debt
Bush doubled the debt when he was President, Clinton doubled the debt when he was President, Bush the Elder doubled the debt when was President, Reagan doubled the debt when he was President and who ever is President next will double the debt Originally Posted by BigLouie
Yet we still voted for these assholes twice, lol.

Can you say Executive Order? Originally Posted by BigLouie
Executive orders by president.

So you don't have to wade through it.

Obama - 234
Bush - 291
Clinton - 364
Bush Sr (1 term) - 166 (332 assuming same rate over a second term)
Reagan - 381
Carter (1 term) - 320 (640 assuming same rate)
Ford (1 term) - 169 (338)
Nixon - 346

You have to go all the way back to Kennedy (214) to find a president who has used fewer. And then back to McKinley to find the next one. That's over 100 years to find 2 presidents who have used it fewer times per term than Obama.

By no stretch of the imagination can Obama be accused of overusing the executive order. If you believe this, you are being led astray by a particular narrative.
bambino's Avatar
Bush doubled the debt when he was President, Clinton doubled the debt when he was President, Bush the Elder doubled the debt when was President, Reagan doubled the debt when he was President and who ever is President next will double the debt Originally Posted by BigLouie
Yeah, but Obama said it was a crime to do so, and then did it.